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Whole30 with chronic kidney disease?

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I'm in the middle of my first Whole30. I have no medical conditions but my husband has CKD. Just wondering if anyone knows if there are beneficial aspects of Paleo for him. I haven't thoroughly researched the topic, but he says he needs to stay away from all meat (protein). Any info or tips would be appreciated!

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The short answer is, "yes." Robb Wolf has a couple of posts about kidney disease here: http://robbwolf.com/2011/05/19/clearing-up-kidney-confusion-introduction/ and here http://robbwolf.com/2011/06/16/clearing-up-kidney-confusion-part-deux/

He should definitely clear it with his doc before implementing a new diet, but you can totally do the Whole30 with low to moderate protein levels, you'll just need to bump your fat and carb intake a little higher to make up for the calorie deficit.

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  • 5 years later...

I’m brand new to Whole30 and I realize this post is almost 6 years old.  If you are on dialysis, protein and potassium are definite concerns.  A renal dietician should be consulted.  Peritoneal dialysis allows for high protein in many circumstances.  Hemodialysis, which is what most people think of when they hear “dialysis”  not so much.  As a former dialysis patient, I did the former and protein consumption was strongly encouraged.  The problem is many healthy vegetables like most lettuce types, winter squashes, many fruits are high in potassium.  High potassium is detrimental with renal failure.  Again a renal dietician should be consulted.

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