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Triathlon Teacher's First Whole30+


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Good luck and good job with sticking to it! It's amazing how accurate the timeline can be, and so helpful to know that others have/are going through the same.


I had 2 really terrible days during my first Whole30 last year. The rest were pretty great. And that feeling, when you wake up the day after the bad day and you're still at it, that's a pretty good feeling.


Congratulations on the pizza victory! That's a big deal :)  :)

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New "recipe" take everything out of the veggie drawer, except lettuce, slice and chop, sauté with lots of coconut oil and garlic. Serve with protein of choice. (Today's combo: bokchoy, red chard, red cabbage, green onions, mushrooms, zucchini, and a few roasted squash)


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Great job on resisting that pizza! Before jumping on the paleo band wagon mid-March if you had asked me what my favorite food was I would have not even hesitated to say pizza. Since mid-March I've had pizza all of twice and both times I was able to eat it in a controlled manner (where I used to be able to put away a whole medium pizza by myself without thinking about it). It is amazing how quickly our bodies and minds can change!


Good luck on your race!

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I didn't have any triathlon nightmares. I did have a cheating dream, where I RESISTED the cheat. In the dream we didn't have breakfast food in the house so we stopped off at a coffee shop before going the the tri. when ordering my coffee, I was super specific about telling them no dairy, but then ordered a bagel. Once I got to the cash register, I thought to myself, wait a minute I can't have a bagel, that's gluten! So told the cashier to skip it and just got my Black coffee. Luckily, in real life, I was prepared and had a good pre-race type breakfast (banana, almond butter and some chicken with my new favorite coconut aminos)

The Race went well and I met most of my goals. Then I went shopping and stocked up on some NEW veggies.

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Arms, shoulders, thighs and knees are Sore today... Even though I ate some good protein right after the race (before even packing up my gear, I just sat in my towel in transition and ate some cOld chicken.

Bought a bunch of new veggies to try out, but so far...purple kale in my morning greens is NOT a winner. i will have to figure out something else to do with them.

Hubby wanted to go out to b-fast today, but I said sorry... I gots me a plate of greens and sausage and eggs. Not even having to dig deep for the will power like the past million times I have tried to cut calories or diet or eat 'healthy'

I had a great conversation with my brother yesterday (ironman, paleo eater that lost 80+ pounds and is doing his second Whole30) I was saying how many times I have thought it would be a good idea to go dairy and/or gluten free but haven't been able to manage it for more than a week. He asked what was different this time. Basically I think that in part I was finally just mentally/emotionally ready for it, plus I had hit an all time high of 200 pounds and then when I read ISWF and I saw all the horrible things the dairy hormones were doing to my body I got SO PISSED! I have been on thyroid therapy meds for 15+ years, battling with depression, low energy, irregular cycles and weight gain for that whole time. If someone (my doctor perhaps?) had told me back then that DAIRY and the hormones within could be causing my problems... Then I would have possibly quit back then! (Well maybe not, because maybe I had to get this low to realize the impact)

So overall I am super happy that it has been easy this time. And we also talked about how sugar and alcohol play a role in that willpower. So pretty much positive that I am going to continue on a paleo style diet until I get some serious pounds off. In Sept, at the end of my whole 30 I will be getting my thyroid and cholesterol levels checked and praying that this has made some dents in those numbers. I am not missing any grains! So don't even plan to bring gluten back into the picture.

Today is meal planning and prep cooking for the week. I got a few cookbooks from the library, including well fed. Looks like some shepherds pie and the best chicken ever are both on the list so far. I go back to work this week after a long and lovely summer... No kids yet, just meetings and set up.

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Picked all the ripe plums off my tree (it hasn't grown any in the past 2 years) since I am not eating toast and jam anymore... What to do? So I am drying most of them in my dehydrator and freezing some of them to use in cooking later. Soon the apples should be ready.

Great day today, thawing, prepping and planning...cleaning etc. I am spending more time in my kitchen than ever before. So gotta keep it clean.

Breakfast I had the new bunch of greens... Purple kale not a favorite in that mix, with turkey sausage. And eggs and some strawberries

Lunch I reheated the faux phad thai but it didn't have much staying power so I was hungry early. Nibbled on some plums while I sliced them up.

I started to get a bad headache, drank some water and laid down and begged hubby to deal with dinner.

Dinner the hubby made some shrimp and rice noodles... I was going to break and have the noodles. I started to have a bite... And the texture was too weird... And I thought what the heck am I doing, breaking my whole30 is not worth rice noodles! So I made a double batch of broccolini and then had to add some of my roasted orange veggies (carrots, yams, butternut sq, and sweet potato) instead. There was not enough shrimp. I reminded him that I am pretty much eating double the amount of protien than I used to.

Spent some time reading well fed and planning meals for the week. Meats are thawing and I will need to go to the. Store once again tomorrow!

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I admit it, I made some paleo pancakes... And they SUCKED! I ate 2 small ones with my eggs and sauage and tossed the rest. Totally not worth it and lesson learned. I guess if I can't smother them in butter and syrup, I don't really like pancakes...I like sugar!

I went and checked out the crossfit gym in my neighborhood. Met the owner and heard about how they do things. I was happy to see that 2 of the 3 people in the 9 am class were BIG chunky women! And they looked like they were working HARD! He does a free assessment and first class, so going to talk to my workout buddy to see if she is ready to take the plunge.

I also checked out the local co-op. their prices are pretty high and looks like I can get most of what I want/need at my regular stores. So probably not going to join, at least for now. Just got my CSA box, so I need to unload that and prep things up.

My plums dried out well, so I packed them up. My body is telling me I put way, WAY, TOO much garlic in my veggies last night. yikes! thank goodness the hubby bought some new bathroom spray yesterday.

I need to go into my classroom today and start setting up for the year. Better pack a lunch before I go, or I might end up at mcdonalds!

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Packed a great salad with lots of crunchy vegs, avocado, chicken and walnuts. Used my homemade dressing. Ate during my afternoon meeting and did a little work in my classroom. Then went to the store (AGAIN) to pick up more meat and vegs.

Got home and hubby had a plan for homemade shake and bake using my almond flour. He wanted to use the pork chops, but they weren't thawed yet, luckily I had some fresh chicken from the store. We heated up some frozen veggies and after the first bag was done I looked at the amount and decided that was NOT ENOUGH VEGGIES (don't think i have ever had that thought, ever) so I heated up a second bag. When I melted some coconut oil on top of my veggies, the hubby thought I had lost my mind. But there wasn't any other fat in the meal and it tasted great!

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Having a hard time getting up early the past couple days, staying up later... My schedule is off and school starts this week and getting up will be mandatory. I have been using a meditation app to try to get to sleep.

My workout buddy can't start cross fit with me this month, due to some family illness issues. So trying to decide if I should do it on my own or wait till October to do it with her.

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It's a lot of fun...in a" leaves you in breathless sweaty heap" kind of way.  I tried the "ramp on" at the cross fit here last year and loved it.  I was the only chubby mommy in the group and one of two out of our class of 6 that finished.. just me and this super fit 20 something guy.  It was hilarious.  Just think, if you start early your friend will have some one she knows to help her with stuff next month.  I was unsuccessful at convincing any of my friends to join me.  Besides there is nothing quite as awesome as the feeling you get from lifting stuff above your head and doing chin ups (even if it is with the band).

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Thanks Christie,

The one class I observed when I went to check out the class had two very large ladies and one slim guy. I would have walked right Back out if it had only been super fit people... I still have middle school PE issues that effect my confidence in gym settings. I just don't know if I can swing the expense. It is 3x more per month than the YMCA, which also has a pool and many strength type classes. I like variety.

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Today is day 28 without wine (the only alcohol I drink) and sugar. And 18 days of FULL whole30 eliminations of grains, dairy, and leguems. I added in all the healthy veggies and reduced the processed food back on the 1st too.

My friends started the whole program on Aug 1 and so they are almost done. So they are starting to count down the days... I still have 2 weeks to go for the full benefits. Luckily, my brother is continuing till his ironman race in late September. It took me 10 days to ween myself off the dairy and grains as I finished off things in the house and finished reading ISWF. School starts next week and already looking at some of my class lists (sizes and combinations of personailities) I am already fearing that I will break, wanting wine to destress from those fIrst crazy days. The staff always go out for drinks the friday of the first week to celebrate too, at a bar, of course. So anyways, just starting to plan some new strategies for dealing with stress not with wine. I hope to use exercise and meditation instead. But the wine is such an ingrained habitual coping mechanism it will be rough.


Today is beginning of the year meetings and some time to get my room set up.

Trying to eat my greens, but my stomach is not so into it this early in the am, so struggling to finish a breakfast that I have enjoyed before. Eating about 2 hours earlier than usual. Might need to toss the rest in my lunch bag to eat later.

ANYONE ELSE HAVE EARLY MORNING EATING ISSUES? It used to be just coffee and a scone or a banana in the am. I have to be at work by 7 am and my assigned 30 min lunch is at 11am. Needless to say I have always been starving by 3 pm when school is done and have had an afternoon snack to make it till dinner at 6. I am hoping the combo of healthy fats and protiens will break me from that afternoon slump. My schedule in the summer is so different. I have had breakfast about 10 am, lunch around 1:30 and then dinner around 6:30 or even later since my Whole30 lunch has kept me satisfied for longer.

That's all for now since I need to get my butt moving!

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Today was a day filled with meetings. I knew there would be FOOD, FOOD, FOOD. I did take a some fruit and veggie snacks in case I got super tempted and lots of good sparkling water. I was successful in avoiding all the off plan snacks and candy. In fact I was not even tempted.

So pretty happy with that.

Looks like tomorrow at 8 am I will be going in for my first cross fit assessment workout. A bit nervous as it looks pretty hard core. Not sure if it my style. But I need something to push me to the next level of strength and fitness. And I figure if I can do 30 days of this, I can give it 30 days too.

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I need to write this up before I lose function of my arms…

Pre-WO snack: banana w/ almond butter and bacon; black coffee and water.

I was the only one there this morning for this hour, so it was like a one-on-one personal training session. which was cool. worked with Jesse the owner of Everett Cross fit.

Dynamic warm-up: 400m jog around the block, butt-kicks, high knees, some straight leg balance thingie, some pole arm twisting thingie, and some other stuff I don't remember.

Then he walked me through and set me up for ball squats, band assisted push-ups and pull-up rows with the rings.

 The WOD/ timed assessment: (will retest in 30 days)

  • run 200m
  • 15-12-9 sets of: ball squats, band assisted push-ups, and ring row pull-ups.
  • run 200m

I did the above WO in 14 mins. then cool down and stretching on my own.

my arms can barely move already…

Post-WO snack; HB egg and water

now for some actual breakfast

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Despite being OH SO SORE (could barely lift my arms to change shirts) from my first ever cross fit session yesterday, I still managed to get out for my bike ride. Only did 18 instead of my planned 30. But I am okay with that. Now I need to make meal plans, shopping lists and get ready for my big cook fest. I bought a couple cool new kitchen tools that I am curious to use.

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I dreamt last night that I reintroed chocolate and it was delicious. I still have 10 days to go. Funny it wasnt like my other cheat dreams, i felt no guilt or shame from eating it because in my dream I was in the reintro phase. And my body had no negative reactions to The chocolate. :) and it didnt send me into a spiral of poor eating. I hope the real life reintro will go as well.

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Thanks :)

We started LAST week, oy! A good first week though. Cooking up chili today to freeze- chocolate chili and I'll add shredded sweet potatoes, squash and spinach- to freeze so there is no excuse not to have a healthy lunch. Julienne peeler... I'll have to look into that. I want to try zucchini noodles this week. Ive been eyeing that spiral slicer on amazon, too. Figure I'll try it with a regular peeler this week.

Really great you have gone 20 days already. I can imagine reintroduction is a pretty challenging phase too though. I'll definitely keep following you, fellow teacher and triathlete! (I haven't actually done a triathlon yet. Life and injuries keep getting in my way, and the injuries are one reason I'm doing a whole 30- wondering if it will help my neverending feet injuries.)

My day 1 went well altho my family was horrified by the dinner I made (over)brined chicken and cauliflower rice and spinach and sweet potatoes. At least the baby ate a little of the chicken. Ah well. Keep on keepin on.

I feel like I'm hijacking your log. Maybe I should start my own but I doubt I will keep up with it. Although my husband's reactions to my cooking could probably be its own reality show. Drama!!!

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