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Start whole30 over? Reaction to ghee.

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I am on day 3 and just made scrambled eggs with ghee. The ghee was the only different factor -- everything else I've eaten over the last few days (eggs, spinach, tomatoes, a little coconut milk on the side and a few slices of bananas).

I became congested very shortly after breakfast (which I haven't been for the last several days) and now have a mild stomach ache. I guess ghee is out for me.

My question -- do I need to start over tomorrow, my 4th day, as Day 1 so I have 30 "clean" days? (And does this mean ghee is just forever off my list of good oils, even after my Whole30 is done? Any chance that my body will reset to accepting it after I've been "clean" for a while?

Thanks for any input!


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I'm not an expert, but I would think you would only start over if you ate something that wasn't Whole30 approved (like ice cream, which I did not too long ago and did start over). I think part of this 30 days is to pay attention to what your body does and doesn't like, so in my (still a newbie) opinion your experience was part of what it's all about.

When I first ate coconut milk it made me kind of itchy, and I was so depressed! The next time I ate it, though, I was fine, so I'd try the ghee again a little later, unless the reaction you had was completely intolerable for you.

I haven't tried the ghee too much myself...I don't have real ghee but just clarified butter, and it's rock hard, LOL.

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