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Tired on day 15

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It started on day 10, I was a little tired, a lot cranky and it has only gotten worse. I'm loosing all my whole 30 magic, tired all the time, sleeping at least 8 hours but still exhausted. Before that I was feeling great. I am thinking of starting over. I was feeling so crappy I slipped up and ate some fish last night that was battered, using flour. I was so hungry I didn't even care. I've also been eating a ton of fruit and nuts the past two days. Ugh I feel so crappy, tired and depressed.

I've also weighed myself at least 10 times.

As I'm reading over this I realize I haven't given my whole 30 100%....

) :

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I wonder what was different about your first 9 days from days 10 through 15? It sure sounds like day 10 marked the beginning of a different period. Many people find themselves starting to feel better in the day 10-14 period, so your experience is curious. 

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Aw. I wish I had something helpful for you. The only thing I can think is if maybe the scale helped to make you cranky and led to your slip up? I only say this as a recovering scale addict myself. The ONE thing keeping me from weighing myself is the knowledge that if I don't like what I see, I will probably eat a pint of Ben and Jerry's ... I half kid... But I would be more likely to give up if I saw that I'm not losing as much as I'd like.

On my day ten I was tired too but only in the morning. And I had a headache/brain fog but it would be gone after an hour or two. I don't know what it was. But the past couple of days I haven't really had that. Is there anyway you can just carry on with your whole30? You could always choose to tack on days at the end but it wouldn't feel so discouraging. And you might start to feel better.

I never thought I could do this but I'm on the same day as you and I'm handling it the same way I handle anything overwhelming ... Just keep showing up :). I guess it's like one day at a time but really. Just carry on. Meal by meal. And hide your scale.

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Without knowing what your food log has looked at throughout it is hard to pinpoint but here is some tough love that I think you already realized yourself but I'll re-say it.


Definitely start over and hide or throw away your scale. It does you NO favors! Read this and then get it out of the house: http://everydaypaleo.com/attention-scale-addicts-part-2/


Not knowing what you have been eating I'm just guessing but it sounds like you had gone too low carb and your body responded accordingly. Make sure you get enough starchy vegetables in your diet to support your activity level. Sweet potato and squash are your friends. Limit nuts to only in meals. Limit fruit to a hand sized portion with a meal no more than 2x a day. Reaching for fruit when you feel a sugar craving just makes it worse. 


You can do this!

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Well I went completely insane today with carbs/sugar. The first cookie and the piece of dark chocolate were the only things worth it. The rest was trash but I had totally lost control, I just kept shoveling crap into my body. I am SO excited to start fresh tomorrow and really give this 110% I have pinpointed a few things that led to my downfall:

I stopped exercising. The first 3 days I was too sick and after that I didn't make it a priority. I'm a runner, I feel great when I run. I feel like crap when I don't. It's that simple!

Too much fruit/nuts

I ate fruit when craving sugar, so I kept feeding the sugar dragon

I weighed myself, stepping on that scale was a HUGR mistake

On day 10 I started drinking iced americanos, I was doing way better with unsweetened iced tea. The coffee was too much caffeine, too quickly and my body was thrown off when I stopped drinking coffee on day 12, after non stop coffee for 2 days pulling long shifts at work.

Some great lessons learned. As of 26 minutes ago I am starting my 2nd attempt at the Whole 30 and I am completely dedicated, I am willing to do the work to get optimum results and change my relationship with food.

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