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Which foods have the most carbs (w30 compliant)?


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Hey so I did a half marathon and kept everything paleo and will actually be whole30 on my next one on October 6th. The compliant larabars are great fuel on the runs. Those squeeze packets of apple sauce are great as well instead of gu. Dates as well. and these powersnacks that I get from Whole Foods. For the electrolyte soltuion, I use Elete after whole9 wrote about it on here. I know others that use coconut water as well but I'm terrible at cleaning my water bottles right after runs and then they get gross if there is sugary stuff in them.

I'm really big on sweet potatoes for carboloading post run. I will usually have two eggs and a piece of fruit about 45 minutes before my morning runs.

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is elete whole 30 compliant (it looks like it, just double checking)? Looks perfect for me!  I like the coconut water well enough but I don't necessarily like it better than plain old water.  Elete looks like a far better long term solution for me.

Yes, elete is whole30 compliant. See below:


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