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Day 2 Newbie stopping by to introduce myself


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Whew! Here goes nothing (I hope...)

First off, my name's Renee (aka n9vember) and I'm starting my first Whole 30 after gearing up with a modified paleo for the past month and a half. I'm no stranger to these type of challenges, in fact, I kind of love them in a strange way. I'm sure I'm not alone in having a long and storied past with disordered eating and like many others, I like structure to keep me on track. Most of the time, I eat as healthy as I can, lots of vegetables and almost enough protein, fruit, nuts. Portion sizes sometimes get me (esp. when nuts are involved...I'm nuts about nuts!) I adore cheese, just adore it, but I've been breaking up with it slowly and I've given it up before, so this isn't going to kill me.

Weekends tend to be the hardest time for me to eat well, mostly because of my husband, who, of course, is naturally thin, yet eats whole pizzas in a sitting. Somehow, while not intentionally trying to derail me, ends up tempting me into something I would've passed on normally. But, I'm not here to blame him :)

I'm going into this feeling slightly nervous. I really do not want to fail. I often make huge progress and then have a slip that sideswipes me. Fortunately, I'm getting better about not getting so frustrated by small failures that I go completely off the rails.

What has drawn me to this program is that I did a cleanse a year ago (CLEAN) and I absolutely loved the way I felt eating no processed foods and learning to listen to my internal hunger cues and preparing my own meals. I'm a lazy cook, so that says a lot. I would really love to see how this 30 days of unprocessed, no sugar, dairy and grains (this is new to me, because CLEAN allows quinoa and amaranth, etc...) changes my health (asthma, low energy, skinny fat...)

I'm a beginning runner (just over 6 mo.) and a sometimes avid yogini (7 yrs.). I would very much like to add a strength training program and need to get started!

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Welcome! It's good that you already know some of your weaknesses (nuts) as it takes some of us the better part of the 30 days to see those patterns (mine are overdoing it on fruit and nuts). I am currently on day 20 and feeling great, already starting to think ahead to my second whole 30 later this year-next time I think I will cut out nuts since I am more likely to overindulge on them versus half an avocado or some coconut/olive oil used in cooking/drizzled on my veggies. Hope this helps! :-)

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Thanks! I'm going to have to be very careful about my nut intake. If only they weren't so darn portable! I know I have to steer clear of almond butter, too. Delicious and dangerous. I also feel like I may need to keep an eye on fruit. I'm so conditioned to want something sweet at the end of every meal. The fact that I find it so necessary makes me feel like it's probably something I should try to wean myself of.

And great job on your 20 days, so far!!

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Herbal tea has been a lifesaver after dinner. There are SO many good flavors. I love peppermint!

Sticking to lower glycemic fruits (berries and cherries) has helped keep my blood sugar from spiking too much/slaying my sugar dragon.

I have learned so much about how my body works, specifically how inflammation and stress have affected me through my relationship with food. It feels great not to be so driven by cravings anymore!

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Ooh, good suggestion with the tea! I do find tea satisfying when I remember that it's a viable option. I'm also trying to keep my fruit to berries. I love not being driven by cravings. I find that I have a much easier time the cleaner I eat (and the less sugar!)

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