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My birthday falls on Day 25! What to do!

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I'm only on Day 3, and I knew going into this that my birthday would be affected, but I'm kind of worried. I do NOT want to fail on Day 25! I know the rules say not to "dessertize" acceptable foods, but I do want to have a celebration. My mind has been spinning lately...mashed sweet potatoes in cupcake cups? Filet mignon with a candle in it? What will the party guests say when there isn't any cake? Should there be cake for everyone else? Seems unkind to have to be tempted on my own birthday...I mean it is MY birthday! Has anyone else had to deal with their own birthday during Whole30? Not sure how to think about this...

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This happened to me, except it was my anniversary. I was pretty early in (less than a week), so I just decided to splurge on some pricier cuts of meat and other things not normally in our budget. I really enjoyed trying out some recipes from The Foodee . I love to cook and explore new flavors, so I felt very satisfied with this gift! :-)

I love the idea with the candle on the filet mignon! I say, it's your birthday, your day, so if you don't want the temptation of cake there, have it your way. :)

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King Crab or Lobster with Ghee or clarrified butter!

I did like your idea of mashed sweet potatoes in muffin cups. You might cook them coconut butter and add some cinnamon or pumpkin pie spice too them, and add some crushed pecans.

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Who needs cake?! You could totally do fresh seasonal fruit with whipped coconut cream (you could always make a batch of it sweetened for guests). I love adding cinnamon to the coconut cream and then a little sprinkle of cocoa powder when served. And these would be a great topping: http://www.theclothe...-coconut-chips/ I know I'm always impressed when a host/hostess serves something fresh and seasonal as a dessert, even before paleo. It's kind of a relief after a big yummy dinner to not have to shove down a super sweet/rich cake and go home with a stomach ache. You deserve to give yourself an amazing meal that will make you more healthy, not less for your birthday. :)

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Oooh the fruit idea sounds yummy! How hard would it be to postpone your birthday? Does your celebration have to fall exactly on the day? I bet by day 25 you'll be feeling so good you won't want dessert anyway :)

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I had my birthday on Day 7. I made myself a birthday "fake" of unsweetened organic applesauce with some cinnamon, unsweetened coconut shreds and unsweetened organic cocoa sprinkled on top, with a few blueberries, raw almonds and shelled pistachios mixed in for texture. It was delicious. Obviously not as delicious as a birthday cake, but I felt much better and less deprived when I reminded myself that the Whole30 was my birthday gift to myself, finally treating my body the way it deserves to be treated! Think about how great you'll feel the next day- no post-birthday bloat and regret!

Or you can postpone your birthday. Either way :)

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First off, I want to say that I perpetually eat an almost perfect Whole30 now because that is just what works the best for me.

My daughter turned 2 over a week ago and I was the one who cut up and served the ice cream cake. What did I eat instead? Nothing. Why? Because I had eaten a paleo burger, kale chips and sweet potato fries for dinner and wasn't hungry. Did I feel like I was missing out, even as I was serving cake to 25 people? No.

And this was the 7th birthday cake I've passed up for the exact same reasons in the last two months. This is in line with my personal goals and I have no regrets and no judgments.

One of the important lessons I've learned about food is that it does not make or break an event. Your attitude about the food does that. So, if you've committed to this Whole30 and you honestly want to see it through to day 30 with perfect compliance (assuming this is your goal here), then on day 25 you are going to do what you did on day 3 or day 12. You're going to eat Whole30. And since it's your birthday, you're going to enjoy the day. Food doesn't have to be the deciding factor on whether or not you enjoy the day.

It just comes down to what your goals are and what you want to achieve. If making a paleo desert for your birthday is more in line with your goals than perfect compliance, then make a paleo desert, eat it, enjoy it and move on with your day. No guilt, no punishment, just eat it and listen to what your body says about it so you can know if it is right for you.

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If you want to have something special, I really like the idea of a pricier cut of meat- like a grass-fed steak with your favorite vegetable sides. In another thread about what to serve for a tea, a member suggested halved apricots filled with the coconut milk whipped cream that limejuicy suggested above. These sound divine, seasonal, and an attractive dessert to serve as the end to a special birthday meal!

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My birthday is on day 25 next week! I'm spending the day in a spa with a friend and twisted her arm to try the new raw cafe. She suggested a fancy Italian restaurant but I couldn't really find anything I was wild about on the menu and I didn't want to spend £25 on a steak only.

I can eat everything at this place!

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Your birthday party doesn't have to revolve around food-could you plan something active? Maybe a hike or trip to a lake or beach? A bicycle ride? Or a spa day as arabella suggested? That sounds like fun-your friends just want to celebrate with you-they won't care if there isn't cake-and if they do, they can pick up some on the way home! ;)

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