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Preping and cooking veggies


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I did my first Whole30 last December and I actually enjoyed how I felt, but I have not been able to get the momentum to start another one.  Last year I did a whole lot of research and I found an article where someone said that you could cook raw veggies for a couple min and then store them to cook later in the week.  Does anyone know what I am talking about?  It might be in WellFed.  I want to start bringing more fresh veggies to work but I hate to cook them fully and then microwave them again to heat up.


Forgive me if this makes no sense, I am trying to stick my toe in the water and have forgotten a bunch of infomation!


I hope to be rejoining you all soon!


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Well Fed definitely talks about different methods of prepping vegetables to be included in meals and/or recipes later in the week.  The author also discusses it on her blog: 








Good luck!

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