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Coffee and Pregnant Can we have one cup?

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From what I've read and heard, caffeine is ok whilst pregnant but that you should limit coffee to one cup a day (no big double/triple shots though!)

If you're not sleeping well, I don't think I'd be working on staying awake though. I'd be working on the sleep and actually trying to get proper rest - your body needs it!

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Pregnant women can have up to 200mg of caffeine a day. That is equal to about 1 cup if coffee. I did drink coffee during my first pregnancy and my baby is now 3yo and perfectly happy and healthy. However, I am now in my 10th week of my second pregnancy and have not had any, because I quit caffeine earlier this year. If you are having trouble sleeping I would seriously consider skipping it though. I know during the day you are probably tired from not sleeping but coffee is only a quick fix and can sometimes leave you feeling more tired after it's effects wear off. Search the whole 30 blog for Melissa's "coffee manifesto" I would link it here but I'm only phone and don't know how. She has a lot if interesting points in that post.

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