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Weird cravings that the brain makes you think you need.....


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Ok, I am on day 8 of my first whole 30.  So far, it has been like clock work, I am through with the "carb flu" meaning I was no use for anything this weekend due to fatigue.  I mean you would have thought I was under 6 G's of gravity since I couldn't drag my lazy self off the couch all weekend. Watched lots of Sex and the City and Trueblood.  Thank you HBO. 


I felt great on day 7 however I am starting the dream stage of weird and crazy things.  I have dreamt of people that upset me that made me eat due to feeling bad about myself to people that I love trying to get me to cheat on my whole 30! I was given a Coke accidentally and drank it and felt terrible in my dream!  So dreams are one thing..... now however my brain is really fighting dirty.  It is now happening while I am awake! What the....  I actually reached out to grab a large bag of M & M's to purchase while in line at the store.  First of all, I have never bought a large bag, but my brain tried to act like "oh yeah we eat these all the time" Luckily my sanity came back, and let me tell you, I didn't even know I was grabbing for the bag at first.  It wasn't like I wanted to cheat, it was my body being drawn to them like they were nectar from the gods and we were given a chance to sample.


I have been learning how to curb the cravings by asking if I was actually hungry and would I eat fish and broccoli as suggested by the Hartwigs.  It is working but I have to say that I crave things that I haven't had in years or like um.ever.  Corn chips, Dorritos, a Cheeto sandwich, yes you read correctly I was a strange kid. And now M & M's are calling me like no other.  I can be working and suddenly out of left field I think about a snack food that I didn't even like as a kid and I want it BADDDDDDD! Funny, if I tried to imagine my favorite dessert I can't remember what it tastes like right now. Like my brain has had selective amnesia.   


Please tell me that someone out there is having these issues.  I knew there would be cravings but I didn't realize that my body would be selling me out so severly when I am feeling so good and haven't cheated at all!  I am hoping that my body and I can kiss and make up soon or this is going to be a long couple of weeks. 


Right now, I really want a poptart........................ sigh.

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I think about Oreos, like...all the time. Do you know how often I used to buy Oreos pre-W30? Not even once a year. Now I think of them wistfully every single time I'm at the store. Stupid Oreos...gah.

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Oh don't think those didn't cross my mind too. LOL  Glad to know that a seasoned pro at this is not immune.   I wouldn't wish this on anyone! 

Maybe just one person people, only during the smiting stage.

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I think that after about a week I craved for something I hadn't had in years. It's like that info was stored in some cells in me and during this cleaning it all of a sudden popped up again. I've also had those cheating dreams. I can understand how those subliminal thoughts would become actions when not paying attention :-)

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I've been craving coffee :huh: I've NEVER been a coffee drinker, i tried it once as a teenager, didn't like it, never tried again. Oh, and once, when i was about 6, my dad gave me a coffee bean to chew on :wacko: yeah, that went down well.. But now i could just go for a cup. I think it's all the talk about Bulletproof coffee on this forum, i feel I'm missing out. You never hear anything about Bulletproof Decaffeinated Green Tea!

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Yep - for me it was cupcakes.  Hostess chocolate cupcakes.  Cupcakes with tons of frosting on top.  Funny thing was - I've only ever had a hostess cupcake once in my life.  And cupcakes - never have been special before.  But yeah I went coo coo for cupcakes. 

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Trek, don't be afraid....just be aware. If you have ever liked any food at any point in your life, or in Carlaccini's case any non-special foods included then you are in for it.  Welp, that about summed it up!


Actually it is a cool experience to see 1. if you can eat that clean for 30 days.  2. that you mind is a powerful tool  (some more than others) and can be used for good or evil. and 3. that what we eat has such an effect on us and how we deal with situations, live, cope, etc etc. 


Man, I still want that poptart......

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I've been craving coffee :huh: I've NEVER been a coffee drinker, i tried it once as a teenager, didn't like it, never tried again. Oh, and once, when i was about 6, my dad gave me a coffee bean to chew on :wacko: yeah, that went down well.. But now i could just go for a cup. I think it's all the talk about Bulletproof coffee on this forum, i feel I'm missing out. You never hear anything about Bulletproof Decaffeinated Green Tea!

Bulletproof tea is great...or my version of whizzed up chai and coconut oil anyway :) (I don't drink green tea, I think it tastes like grass...)

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Bulletproof tea is great...or my version of whizzed up chai and coconut oil anyway :) (I don't drink green tea, I think it tastes like grass...)


I'm not a big fan of the taste of green tea either, but I have this powdered green tea extract and it doesn't taste bitter like green tea does. It's actually really, really great. Just have to be careful, as only a very small amount is required to make a cup and there's been some issues with liver failure in people who overdo it (it was a reversable condition, so they just had to stop consuming it so much and everything was back to normal).


Just saying that if you want the benefits of green tea but don't like the taste, the extract is a great choice.

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It's also worth trying different brands. Over here, Tetley green tea is horrible, Twinings is ok (plus they do jasmine green tea which is nice - think Chinese restaurant tea!) & i like Clipper the best.

I've never heard of the powder :huh: It sounds terrifying


Yeah, I thought I might scare people with that liver failure comment :-) But I thought that it's better to give a realistic view of it, rather than go the way of "it'll heal all your troubles and is the most bestest thing ever" :-) Like many other things, It's good for you in moderation.




I consume it, but I also want to use it topically, which is part of the reason why I got it.


Were you in the UK? I got mine from there: http://www.myprotein.com/sports-nutrition/green-tea-extract-powder/10530133.html

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Yeah, I had a dream where I ate a whole box of White Cheddar Cheez-Its. I hadn't had them since I was a kid, except once when I was like "wow, this is terrible!"


I didn't have a problem with reaching for stuff I knew I shouldn't have, which is good, because I was in France for part of my W30 and another area in Germany for part (just for 4 days in France and a normal weekend in the other area of Germany). But still - reaching for bread/cheese in France would've been disastrous! 

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Oh my! I know the feeling! The other day I was in Target and I was tempted by the Halloween candy. I stared at a bag of snickers for what felt like 10 hours and really, SERIOUSLY, contemplated sitting on the floor and eating the whole bag. My mind was actually rationalizing why it would be totally acceptable to do that.... I got kinda concerned with myself at that moment! But, I snapped into my senses and walked away. The thing I've found that keeps me motivated is printing out sayings, usually found on Pinterest, saying not to give up. I am on day 10 now and I am feeling fantastic. I think, I hope, the crazy sugar cravings are behind me. But, it is normal. Just keep a positive attitude and keep your goals in mind!

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I'm only 5 days in, so I'm not feeling it as intensely as you, but yeah I am definitely fantasizing about things! I bought 2 big bags of candy for the trick or treaters yesterday and it was a challenge to stop looking at it. I also find myself getting cravings after dinner (when I usually snack on something)...not really for anything in particular, but just....something. So weird! 

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have just started my Whole30 and I have found the same thing!! There is a box of chocolates here at work, and I have NEVER even looked at it before...Now all I want to do is eat every last thing in the box! The worst time for me is after dinner. I always feel like I need something sweet...

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Day 47 here.  I cannot watch Dinners Drives and Dives anymore because I crave everything on that show.  I can smell the pastries at Whole Foods 5 isle's away, and they are calling my name.  So far I make this a game seeing how many days I can go without.  Plus,

I feel great!

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I've been craving coffee :huh: I've NEVER been a coffee drinker, i trried it once as a teenager, didn't like it, never tried again. Oh, and once, when i was about 6, my dad gave me a coffee bean to chew on :wacko: yeah, that went down well.. But now i could just go for a cup. I think it's all the talk about Bulletproof coffee on this forum, i feel I'm missing out. You never hear anything about Bulletproof Decaffeinated Green Tea!

Ok, update - about 10 days ago i tried a cup of coffee. Hmm. Not overly impressed, even after dropping a spoon of cacao in it. On the plus side, i cleaned the bathroom, vacuumed & dusted the whole house, made the beds & cleaned all the windows :lol:

But then i wanted a fight... :wacko:

I think I'll stick with green tea...

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Roz, I don't drink coffee because it makes me feel like I am going to crawl out of my skin.  I do like how you were very productive though.  HA HA


Cravings are gone and I am on day 25 and everything is looking great!  I prefer Earl Grey! YUM

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