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It is Day 50 today


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I am very proud that I have managed 50 days of my first Whole30 so far. I have had a couple of 'reintroductions' when I have had to source something to eat from a mainly non-compliant menu but I can honestly say, hand on heart, that I have not eaten anything because I was craving it or even really fancied it. The reintros have been white potato (baked), garden peas and dairy milk in coffee. The milk was a conscious decision and I had a reaction within 10 minutes. I now use coconut milk when I fancy a change from black coffee.  


I am slimmer, leaner and feel more energetic and mentally alert.


I have a long way to go, weight wise, but I am feeling determined and empowered to eat this way for at least 99% of the time. 


I shall keep on clocking up my Whole 30 days until I stop eating according to the template or when 'reintroductions' seem to be taking over (hopefully never!). 


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