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Gastric Bypass and no gallbladder

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Hello all!


I am on day 11 of my first Whole30.  It has been harder in ways i wasn't expecting and easier in others!  Thankfully my husband is taking this journey with me and is able to keep me going when I've been sick of cooking!


For the past few day I have been experience increasingly worse pain in the upper right quadrant of my abdomen.  I had my gallbladder out a few years ago, so I know that can't be the culprit.  I have also had gastric bypass (roux-en y) = and so my digestive system is much different than a normal person.  They took out most of my doudenum and my stomach is much small so I am sure I am not producing everything I need to digest my food properly.


I have two questions:  1) Does anyone know what this pain is from or had similar pain?  My only guess could by my liver but I don't know if it's from overtaxation by all the fats I am eating, or from detoxing.  2)  Should I take a digestive enzyme to help get the maximum benefits of this diet?


Thanks in advance for the help!  Looking forward to being halfway done!

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The gall bladder produces stuff that helps to digest fats. Without a gall bladder, you are missing some important ingredients. You would likely find taking digestive enzymes at every meal important. Your pain may be over-taxation from your body dealing with the fats.


You might want to review: http://whole9life.com/2012/09/digestive-enzymes-101/

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Thank you, Tom, for that info. My mom has had her gallbladder removed and has been experiencing similar stomach pains described by the OP. I haven't been able to help her, but perhaps I'll look into some digestive enzymes sold in American online stores.

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