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Does and all-you-can-eat buffet equal dinner?


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My first post.  I'm on Day 14.  Made it through my first week, refined sugar withdrawal.  Succeeded through Halloween, the Red Sox winning, free Friday pizza, and one egomaniac man at work bringing in cheesecake to waft in my direction.  Love the question, "Am I hungry enough to eat steamed fish and brocolli?" to inquire about real hunger vs cravings.  That has been incredibly helpful as are the daily emails!

This weekend an issue has arrived that I was simply hoping to magically go away; hormones.  They have hit and hit hard, per usual.  An unslaught of my term, "Bottomless-pit syndrome" or BPS.  I can eat the daily catch and the garden.  After dinner, I have some more dinner, and then I'm still 'hungry'.  I ask the question, and the answer is 'yes', more of everything and suddenly I've eaten lots of paleo Whole30 approved food but it's been an all-I-can-eat buffet style dinner.  I feel like a female version of King Henry VIII, although no one would know it besides me.  I weigh 130lbs and do Crossfit and yoga.  Does anyone have (magical) ideas for BPS?  I've tried drinking water, water with lemon, herbal tea, doing something else!  Where to go from the buffet table.. suggestions?  thank you!!

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if you are hungry: EAT! there isn't anything wrong with it. You are at a healthy weight and you workout, your body is telling you it needs more food. Great! Society does a diservice to ladies telling them they need to eat bird portions (so many end up undernourished or binging or with a terribly low metabolism as a result). 


If the volume is too much for you, you might try upping protein and fat specifically--you can get more satiation with smaller amounts of that compared to salad-type veg.--but simply honoring your appetite (that may come and go and cycle) is a great choice.

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