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I Can't Believe It


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I have been doing the Whole30 for about 3mths now and I love what it has done for me as far as what and why I eat the way I do and I feel wonderful!  But this morning I had, what I thought, was a "love affair" with three pieces of oatmeal cake(which I mad for my husband and never sampled the batter what so ever...which was always a problem for me) but it ended up making the tip of my tongue felling weird and "raw"?   I realize it was eaten out of emotional stress.  I also realized that it did not taste as good as I thought it would, which was a bonus thanks to the Whole30 program.  My question is that at my next meal do I adjust anything to compensate for the cake I ate?  Or do I just go on and eat according to the template and chalk it up to" never going there again".    Looking forward to hear form you guys

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I have a horrible habit of adjusting the rest of my day for the treat I just ate and that attitude of punishment (which is how I view it; maybe not how you view it) just compounds the bad feelings and leads to more restriction and a greater chance of further poor food choices.


I say move on!  If you start to do this regularly then you will need to re-evaluate.  Probably the only red flag is that you ate 3… not one.  But great you recognize the probable reason for the slip up.


A good experiment, really.  You did not enjoy it?  Now you know you really are NOT missing anything!  Affairs are never as great as they sound.   ;)


Proud of you for making it 3 months Whole30.  That is a real accomplishment.  I can't make it 2 weeks.  

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