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Overate! Have to share . . .


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I just feel like I have to tell someone. I way overate at dinner tonight. I think it was because I ended up getting too hungry between lunch and dinner.

In case anyone wonders, here are my meals for today:

M1: @ 745- 1/4 large acorn squash, green beans, onions, pork and 1.5 servings of kalamata olives. I was then really craving salt, so I ended up drinking the juice from the jar they come in, oops.

M2: @ 115 ~4C mixed veggies (carrots, cauliflower, green beans & carrots) chicken drumstick and ~3T of the pesto from ISWF.

I ended up hungry about 4.

M3: @ 715 chicken drumstick, carrots, green beans, broccoli, small sweet potato and 2T mayo from ISWF.

Then I was still hungry so I had: HB egg, half an avocado, a small sweet potato with 1.5T tartar sauce from ISWF and a pickle.

Now I've made myself a cup of licorice tea in hopes to keep myself out of the kitchen. I'm not hungry any more. if anything, I'm a bit over full. I just have this urge still to go eat everything.

I am wondering if any of this has to do with the fact that I probably under ate the other day trying to see if I was truly over eating like I thought, which it turned out I wasn't. Also, my period, which I haven't had for 6 months, is now back perfectly on time.

Thanks for listening :)

Edited to add: today is day 9.

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I think perhaps increasing your protein may help with hunger - one drumstick isn't an awful lot of meat. If you had 2-3 for lunch and dinner you'll probably beat the hunger. I don't think you've overeaten, and when you were still hungry after dinner you had a mini meal of protein, fat and vegies that is recommended!

Your body has obviously been craving food and nutrients - your period coming back after 6 months is a huge positive!

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Good to know! I really thought I ate too much. After I cut the meat off the bone, I thought it looked like a palm sized amount of meat . . . I will increase the protein then since all my servings of protein are about that size and I tend to do 1 serving since really crave fat if I don't get lots :)

I ate mostly healthy and paleo before the Whole30 so it kind of surprises me to see such a change. I guess all those random, small amounts of chemicals or soy make a huge impact!

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I did it this time. And now I'm sitting here and my stomach hurts. After dinner I just kept eating, craving carbs! This isn't the first time I do well at something for a bit and then it seems I sabotage myself. I jist dont know. I ate 3 sweet potatoes, almost a pound of canned pumpkin, half an apple, a few tablespoons of palm oil and a few table spoons of sun flower seed butter :( Thinking back on my meals since starting the whole30, I don't think I get enough carbs. The days I feel and sleep the best are my workout days because I have a sweet potato with post workout. I guess I need to make a habit of including a sweet potato daily and see how that goes? Anything I can do to help my tummy now? And what should I do when breakfast time rolls around? What if I'm not hungry?

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You can't really do a lot now you've eaten it - does your stomach hurt just from the sheer volume of food? you may have some digestive issues eating that much at once, but they'll likely go away.


including starchy carbs every day, whether you're training or not is a great idea - were you not doing that before? many people function better with carbs! the whole 30 isn't a low carb plan, so there is no limit to how many starchy vegies you can eat per day. if you feel better including them in a meal every day, plus postWO when you train, then do so. you might even be better having them twice a day - experiment and see how you go.


I would make myself eat breakfast, even if I wasn't hungry. if you're really not hungry, start with something small - protein and fats and some "lighter" vegies (salad perhaps?) and see how you go.

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I think it was just the amount. Feeling better this morning and am even hungry! How that's possible with eating so much I'm not quite sure.

I wasn't purposely adding carbs, no. I just kind of ate whatever veggies sounded good. Most times I only end up with a serving or 2 of carrots or acorn squash and that's about it for carby foods. The difference on workout days vs non is something I just was noticing.

Thanks for your reply. I feel a bit ridiculous; like I sabotage myself whenever I'm doing well.

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Tallulah - thanks! :) This is a HUGE improvement for me as I usually would've beat myself up about it for days and tried to restrict to cover it. Instead I just jumped right back in today! Kind of proud of myself right now :)

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