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Now the title is probably going to freak a lot of you out. I did NOT make actual cupcakes or do any paleo baking.

What I did make was compliant meatballs and mashed sweet potato...and I assembled this like a cupcake by popping the finished meatballs in mini cupcake wrappers and piping the sweet potato on top.

Some of you may say it's psychologically cheating but I personally don't think so. Cooking my eggs in a metal cookie cutter on the pan doesn't trick my brain into thinking I'm cookie any more than this recipe makes me think I'm eating a cupcake.

I'm 17 and I'm a baker so the whole30 has been life changing but not as fun as eating normally. I've pretty much slayed my sugar dragon on the 19 days I have been on this program and I feel better than I have in a long time! And after tonight's dinner I don't feel like I've cheated or need to have sugar at all. The nutrients of whole food is still there and I don't think it counts as paleo baking whatsoever. If you do, feel free to explain why.

I wanted to share a little whole30 fun to those who have wanted to entertain guests and still eat what they are eating. Because how nice would it be to have a dinner party that is still fun without having to explain why you aren't eating certain things.


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I don't think anyone would call this physiological cheating. It's a cute idea, but no way would a meatball make my brain think I am eating a real cupcake, blech! ;-)

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

Now the title is probably going to freak a lot of you out. I did NOT make actual cupcakes or do any paleo baking.

What I did make was compliant meatballs and mashed sweet potato...and I assembled this like a cupcake by popping the finished meatballs in mini cupcake wrappers and piping the sweet potato on top.

Some of you may say it's psychologically cheating but I personally don't think so. Cooking my eggs in a metal cookie cutter on the pan doesn't trick my brain into thinking I'm cookie any more than this recipe makes me think I'm eating a cupcake.

I'm 17 and I'm a baker so the whole30 has been life changing but not as fun as eating normally. I've pretty much slayed my sugar dragon on the 19 days I have been on this program and I feel better than I have in a long time! And after tonight's dinner I don't feel like I've cheated or need to have sugar at all. The nutrients of whole food is still there and I don't think it counts as paleo baking whatsoever. If you do, feel free to explain why.

I wanted to share a little whole30 fun to those who have wanted to entertain guests and still eat what they are eating. Because how nice would it be to have a dinner party that is still fun without having to explain why you aren't eating certain things.


What is your recipe for this?

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