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January 6 - Day 1


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I'm so proud of everyone's successes!  Due to my carrageenan snafu, I still have 8 more days to go.  Womp womp.  Thanks for starting the re-intro thread.  I will definitely be joining over there!!!  It makes me sad that I am behind y'all and can't join in the fun of posting weight and progress today!  :-(  But that's ok, because I know that my body is changing.  People are starting to notice I have lost weight and are asking what I am doing.  I even shared the website with a co-worker who has an autoimmune disease who is looking for relief from her pain after she asked details about my "diet."  Maybe a convert?!  :-)  Congrats everyone on your successes!  Keep up the good work!!!

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I've lost 6 lbs.  That is a big deal for me.  In the past it is very hard for me to lose the 1-2 lbs, "they" say you should.  I've also lost a total of 9 inches!  Although, for some reason, not on my arms or legs (maybe I'm getting stronger?).  


I'll be joining the new thread as well.  Thanks, mkhammer!


Today I reintroduced milk with cream in my coffee, a little cheese at lunch and I do have ice cream planned tonight.  However, I do plan to stay the course and only want to do these experiments so I can make better decisions when a special occasion comes up.


Congratulations to everyone!

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I know why they say to put the scale away.   Last night to prepare for my vacation I brought out my old summer clothes.  Two pairs of capris no longer fit.  Too big!!  I also attempted to buy a pair of shorts I bought on clearance and have never been able to wear.   As I cringed like I normally do trying on shorts, I was so surprised that not only did they fit they looked good.   I went to bed feeling great.   I figured a big loss.   However, maybe since I was eating clean in the fall it wasn't as dramatic, but I still lost 8lb.   But there was this brief moment of disappointment.   That soon passed when I remembered that this isn't about weight loss, but feeling good and making healthy choices when it comes to food.    (Scale went back into the closet)


I then went to my CF class, where my coach measured my body fat %.   I had it measured the first week and I'm happy to say I've gone down 4% in Body Fat%.    While I didn't measure I did take before pics, so after the workout I took after pics and I can see a noticeable difference.   Thought about posting, but I think I'm going to wait until 90 days.   I'm not going to be super strict for 90 days, but I want to stay on plan with only having treats on special occasions.     If I feel this good after 30 days, I can't wait to see how I'm feeling after 90.


Great job to everyone out there.  Just for being here and working to become a healthier you!   I don't normally watch Biggest Loser, but I flipped it on right at the right time last night.  One of the finalist said something like.....The Winning Step isn't during the finale, but the first step you take towards becoming healthy.    After 30 days, this will not be my final step, but just one of many more to come.   

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Let's keep the weight loss in perspective people. A weight loss of "just 5 lbs" over the course of 30 days is about 1.17 lbs per week which is entirely healthy and more importantly sustainable. The bigger weight losses on this program tend to come from people for whom this is a very dramatic change and a lot of it comes from lost inflammation.


Celebrate all your victories and keep moving forwards toward greater health each day. 

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Wow. What an amazing experience.  I've never felt so healthy, happy or confident in my LIFE. My skin is glowing, I can see the faint outline of collar bones(!!!!), and I have energy like I couldn't have imagined.  You guys, I did a SPIN class last night. Not that I have any intentions of jumping on the chronic cardio bandwagon, but because it was terrifying to me. The idea of walking in, not looking like everyone else in the class, not being able to keep up... I felt AWESOME. Like I'm ready to take on the world.


I laid in my bed this morning half dreading the scale, half super excited to see what it would reveal. I've been pondering my unhealthy relationship with said scale quite a bit the last couple of weeks.  30 days is the longest I've gone without weighing (or gaining) in as long as I can remember.  I've done a lot of reminding myself that the Whole30 isn't about the numbers on the scale.  It's about what I talked about up there in paragraph one. If I'm confident about what I'm putting into my body, what does the scale really matter?  All this thinking was making me hungry and I started fantasizing about brussel sprouts with mushrooms, a piece of bacon (!), and eggs. Hilarious that in week one I figured this first meal off would be french toast or pancakes. So I kicked my feet out of bed, shuffled over to the scale and came face to face with the fact that in 30 days I've lost 15 pounds and am in the 100's for the first time in, ohhhh, 8 years??? Did it put a little extra spring in my step? Sure. A spring that I used to dance down the hall to saute some brussel sprouts for breakfast. Like we do. Feels good.

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So 6 lbs down & lost 4 inches. Not huge, but I was already eating clean to some extent besides the holiday splurge. I am doing dairy today, but don't think I will miss it if I cut it out for the most part going forward.

I'll catch up with you at the new thread. Thanks mk_hammer!

And yes, Toni I remember Helen Reddy.

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Here's my run-down (drumroll, please...):

Down 1/2 inch in calf and inner thigh

Down 1 inch in waist, arm and belly

Down 2 inches in mid-thigh and hips

Down 2.5 inches (!) in bust

Down 9.5 POUNDS! Yay!

I feel better about making confident, healthy food choices. I am not chained to any food, including cream, sugar, chocolate, wine, and beer.

I can say no thank you to absolutely any food.

I am in control of my food today and every day!

I love all of you. See you in the next phase of our journey! Xoxo


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I will write more later.  Psyched we are going to carry on together on the postw30 realm!!!!!  I plan to continue through a wholle 60 or more.  No turning back now!


I feel amazing.  More confident with more space around me.  My daughter judges my transformation by how well she can get her arms around me.  She estimated 3 inches and she was right.  


Here are my stats:


3 inches off bust

3 inches off waist

3 inches off hips

1 inch off arms, thighs and even my ankles!


Oh, yeah.  And I lost 17 pounds.  


Will do the next right thing - more whole 30.

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Hi Everyone, not posted for a while but been reading your posts for inspiration & ideas.

I feel so much better & so happy that I got through the 30 days! Did not measure myself but I lost 12 lbs! Wow!

Look forward to joining you all on the new thread 😊 x

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Congratulations fellow J6'ers!  Whoop Whoop!!  I can't believe it's been 30 days...30 WHOLE days!  When I started this journey I had very little hope that I'd make it the full distance - I had planned to have wine with my Mother days 10-14 and I felt sure I'd never be able to resist the other temptations along the way.  I felt like I'd cave, I'd be too busy, and I'd just plain ole give up... but nope, I did it!!


The first few days were rough...like reeeeeaaallly rough, but as the days went on I felt better, stronger, and more confident that I could, in fact, survive without sugar, wine, and processed food-like goodies.  I didn't want to give up!  Sure, I wanted wine... jeeze, I still do.... but I could feel the changes happening in my body, so passing over a glass made life easier.


Today, on day 32, I still haven't weighed and am going strong!  Here's the thing... I'm terrified!  Really you guys....I'm so nervous!  I now totally get those people on the Biggest Loser that are in tears for fear of what they could go back to when they leave the Ranch.  This is my Ranch!!  This forum, the safety of the rules, the clearly defined "can" and can-not's", my Sunday's spent cooking a week of meals.... all of it have provided such a place of safety for me and I'm thoroughly terrified to leave it.  :(   I just don't trust myself yet.  I've spent 30+ years off the rails eating whatever crossed my lips - especially in times of stress, frustration, or fear and I can't help but think that, while I do feel changed, I don't feel ready!  


I plan to keep going without reintroduction of anything, for now.  I'm just not missing anything that I could consider "good" for my body.  I'd like a glass of wine this weekend, but as far as wheat or dairy, mmeh... I can live without it for the time being.


Thank you everyone for you amazing support and thoughts along the way!!  I'll hope to keep up with you in the Re-intro forum.  Congrats on 30 days!!

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Hi!! I was a 33er!


So I didn't take any measurements, but ALL of my pants are looser. I actually have two pairs that have always been a more "relaxed" fit that I can't even wear because they're too loose!


I lost a total of 9 lbs.


More imortantly than all of that, I have NO cravings. Before this journey, my sugar dragon was fierce! Now I don't ever need anything sweet. Actually I don't want to introduce anything sweet because I think sugar does make me feel a lot worse. I also don't need to snack throughout the day. I used to be a constant snacker, eating literally every hour. They would be small, semi-healthy snack, but unneeded calories nonetheless.


I have tons more energy and am in a much better mood overall.


I don't think I'll bring back simple carbs, sugar, or dairy at all. At least not until I get some more results. I am going to see how I do with grains, some beans, and oats. Oh, and wine. Definitely wine. :D


Congrats to all!! Thanks for being such a huge support!

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Me too curlygirl.  I'm right there in the boat of terror with you.  And I love your analogy to this forum and these rules being your Ranch.  I feel that way too.  I will probably be sticking with this way of eating for a very long time.  I like how I feel when I eat this way and I am terrified of food-with-no-brakes.

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Still going strong here in Grandma land!!! I am feeling FANTASTIC!!! no really FANTASTIC!!! I see how long it took me to get here (well not long at all in the grand scheme of things...lol...BUT you W30ers know EXactly what I am talking about!!) SO I am continuing to stay the course! My runs (now the weather is a LITTLE more cooperative...yay!! :) ) have been amazing!!! My thoughts are more clear...anxiety and depression is dissapating, my clothing is fitting better, I smile even more, laugh a lot, enjoying this feeling and realizing THIS is WHERE I WANT TO BE!!! Not holding down the couch...watching too much TV and eating crap o la!! (that also includes not going to bed on time and not getting my butt out the door for a run in the morning)  So yes than you all January 6ers...great job and thank you for the support. Next goal W60!!! Yay team!!! :)

Grandma Carolyn 

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So 6 lbs down & lost 4 inches. Not huge, but I was already eating clean to some extent besides the holiday splurge. I am doing dairy today, but don't think I will miss it if I cut it out for the most part going forward.

I'll catch up with you at the new thread. Thanks mk_hammer!

And yes, Toni I remember Helen Reddy.

Can you tell me the new thread?

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I finished my Whole 30 yesterday!

I did not weigh or measure myself before, so I have no stats, and I do not own a scale.

My husband says I look slimmer, and I think so myself.

If at all, I only noticed the tiger blood the last two days.

I did not have any major changes as described here or in the timeline in the book.

I am disappointed to be honest, but on the other hand it might be because we have a healthy lifestyle already, and do not consume sugar, soy, next to no alchohol and no convenience foods at all and we make almost everything from scratch.

I started reintroducing non-gluten grains today and I have felt no difference yet, but the next two days will tell.

Will hop over to the other thread now.

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