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first Whole 30 complete

Lora Friedenthal

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I completed my first Whole30 last Tuesday while on vacation. I didn't knowingly cheat, although it's likely some things managed to get in that shouldn't have in foods I didn't prepare myself. At any rate, I didn't try to let it happen and make excuses.

1. I lost 8 lbs. Not AMAZING, but solid progress. And if that rate keeps up, I'd be a new person in a year.

2. I sleep a lot better. This is actually better news than the weight. I haven't slept well in years. YEARS. And now I actually get tired at a reasonable time, sleep, and feel rested.

I never did get the energy that lots of people claim, but maybe I was already not eating a lot of grain and sugar to begin with? I don't know.

It did totally mess with my hormones, and I'm convinced it gave me the worst vertigo I've ever had, which I think is just about cleared up now. Decidedly not a plus, but for people who don't already have BPPV, probably not a concern.

As soon as the Whole30 was up, I started eating like I was on vacation. Ice cream is actually kinda gross. Hot fudge sauce is extra gross. Rice and/or asian stir fry make me feel terrible. Almost as bad as eating fast food.

So despite going off the rails for the remainder of my vacation, I can actually say that I'm looking forward to going back to my Whole30 foods. I think I'll do the August one. Although it might be more like a Whole25, because my birthday party will be on the 25th, I think I want to paleoify some dessert for that day and also drink some of the wines I bought on vacation.

The friends I've been staying with also tell me that I use olive oil at an alarming rate.

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What is BPPV?

Isn't it interesting how foods that were good before become gross? I can't believe some of the things that I used to eat; now I immediately wrinkle my nose at them!

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