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New Year // Whole 30 Challenge. Joining the ranks of the January 1st crowd.


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Very excited to give this program a real shot. After 10-15 years of yo-yo dieting and a highly volatile relationship with food, I think that a 30 day discovery diet will be just the thing to get back in tune with my body and my mind and hopefully find my way back to a harmonious relationship with food. 


I am VERY excited and hope to be participating a lot on the boards and blogging my experience as well. 


I am highly open to any and all tips, easy recipes and just about anything you'll want to share. 



Thank you, and hello!

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Very ready and very excited to start day 1 of my first w30!! 1/1/2014 starts my new relationship with food. I'm 40 and have a host of health problems: Crohn's Disease, fibromyalgia, endometriosis, severe migraines... Just to name a few. I'm also a vegetarian (but eat dairy and eggs, with occasional seafood and poultry). Haven't had any beef or pork for over 15 years! I've got some great local farms that supply organic and pastured meat. Not sure if I'll be able to eat any pork or beef, but I feel good about increasing poultry and seafood.

I'm looking forward to positive results that lead to a healthier me, including getting off all medications!

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