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Day 1... Tomorrow!!


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Hi everyone!! I'm really excited I found this, I started crossfit a little over 2 months ago, and absolutly love it!! With that, I was introduced to the Paleo diet and tried to stick with it strictly for 30 days... that did not last. I cheated within the first week, and then have been probably half paleo since then. I really want to commit to a full 30 days because I have pretty bad digestive problems, am gluten intolerant/maybe have celiacs disease, and may be lactose intolerant.  I really have an issue with sugar though... I like many others probably am definitely addicted to sugar and need to break that bad habit. I have found myself not sleeping well at night after getting farther and farther away from Paleo and I think that I will do much better having so many people on here to support and get support from on a daily basis!! I look forward to getting to know some of you and helping you on your journey while I'm on mine!


Best of luck!!

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Are you starting on the first? Good luck to you, I cheated the first time too. I think that my body was just throwing a hissy fit. I've had a lot of carb-loads nights after a rough day, and it was difficult getting rid of that ritual. But once you fully commit you'll feel soooo much better. Its worth it! Crossfit is awesome! It's super big in the military community, keep at it!

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You absolutely will find support here! Sounds like the Paleo route is an excellent choice considering the sensitivities / intolerances. I found my gut, brain and sleep issues quickly dissapate when I follow Paleo. What was helpful for me was to learn as much as I could about it...when I understand WHY xyz isn't a great choice...I can go through the laundry list of how yucky I am going to feel and why it makes me feel that way. I try not to call it cheating... ;) ...more like I could have made some BETTER choices... :D . I found beating myself up IS SO NOT HELPFUL...instead I dust myself off...plan for the day...prepare and smile because...CHANGE CAN HAPPEN AT ANY TIME!!! yay!!!

Best of luck!!

and WELCOME!!!!   

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