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Nausea a side effect????

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I ate a pretty heavy primal diet before switching to the Whole 30 program. This will be my first week in of the Whole 30 plan.

I"m experiencing some nausea and was wondering if it's because I have given up dairy??? Blood sugars possibly crashing because the dairy is no longer giving me the highs anymore???

Such a weird side effect for me which is why I want to know what's going on???

Thanks guys for heaving me out!!!

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I find I always get nausea during the first few days. I'm also in a bit of a fog which is unpleasant.

The nausea goes away and after my last one, I determined that my "wanting to throw up" feeling is actually "I'm hungry". As long as I don't get that hungry, I don't feel sick. Not sure if that will help you but it may explain it a bit. I could not tell you why that happens.


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  • 2 months later...

Michele, I've had a similar experience. I ate "primal" for 2 years before cleaning it up further with my first Whole30 last month. I had intermittent nausea and would get dizzy upon standing sometimes. I think Kimberly might be onto something. I hadn't considered that the nausea might actually be a hunger signal trying to get through. Despite eating primal I didn't listen to my body like I am now, I didn't remove dairy, and my hunger/sated cues are apparently a bit rusty... or I'm rusty at interpreting them. ;) Anyway, adding one sweet potato (or similar) each day seems to really help with both the dizzy spells and nausea. I used to over-eat all the time, so it seemed ludicrous that I wasn't eating enough... but I feel so much better on a regular basis since increasing my carb/food intake a bit.

The way I figured this out is almost comical. I was nauseated but knew I needed to eat. I tried to think of what would be soothing to my stomach and mild in flavor since the childhood standby of crackers and warm 7-Up is clearly not a good choice. I settled on a cup of bone broth and a small sweet potato with ghee; low and behold I felt better immediately. At the time I thought I must need a bit more carbohydrate in my daily intake and didn't consider that it could have been misinterpreted hunger signals! Brilliant!

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Funny, I am having this on day 17, but it never even occurred to me that I was nauseous because I was hungry. I've had a rough week at work and have been feeling ill. Rough week at work = not eating on my regular schedule = being extra hungry = nausea. Makes sense now.

Should have thought of this sooner because the remedy for morning sickness/nausea in pregnancy is eating!

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I am on Day 7 and feeling very nauseous. Several nights this past week I have also noticed a somewhat burpy, bubbly stomach feeling, not quite like nausea, but unpleasant. Earlier this week, I could settle that with some water and a few grapes or a date (some sweet fruit) - so maybe that was a hunger/blood sugar thing?

But yesterday I had diarrhea, and today I'm still feeling rather unsettled. I don't think this nausea is due to hunger for me, I'm definitely eating plenty. What I really wanted today was a piece of bread or crackers to settle my stomach, so maybe the sweet potato would fix it for me (but I'm done eating for the night so I'm going to have to live with this till tomorrow and hope it gets better!).

Does anybody know if too much fruit can also cause nausea? That's the only other thing I can think of that might be causing it...

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Laura, I am also on Day 7 and have been feeling "off" most of the day. I haven't felt like this previously. Woke up with a mild lower-digestion issue (a touch of diarrhea on and off all day), and like you are describing, kind of a bubbly stomach feeling. In fact, even though I ate lunch 3 hours ago, I still feel sort of stuffed and not able to eat. And now I'm getting a mild headache, too. And funny that you suggested a sweet potato to settle your stomach, bc I'm wondering if the sweet potato I had with dinner last night is what triggered my upset. Either that or the mango salsa (which I had last night, and again at lunch today), because those are the only two "new-ish" items I've eaten in the last few days.

I'm curious if getting a rumbly tummy/mild diarrhea is just par-for-the-course at a week into W30, or if I should steer clear of sweet potatoes or mango salsa??

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Well, I went back and looked in the It Starts With Food book again in the What to Expect section, and the book does say that digestive distress is par for the course, particularly in the second week. So I guess we just stick it out. But I wonder if there are things we can do or take to resolve the icky feeling? Tums and Pepto Bismol both have added sugar. That's why I was looking for some food soother. Maybe some sort of tea could soothe the stomach?

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I woke feeling MUCH better today :) Had only a Larabar and herbal tea for dinner (first meal I've "skipped" since starting), but had a big breakfast and am ready to tackle the day! Laura, I hope you are also feeling better soon.

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I am having the same issue and just posted a thread about it, should have looked closer first :) I know mine is not hunger, since I am nauseated almost immediately after eating. Low blood sugar for me has additional symptoms. Glad to see that others experienced it as well, and it went away. I'm thinking for me it is probably just an adjustment period for the added fat.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Sorry I can't offer any tips... I'm also experiencing nausea, usually right when I wake up. I'm on day 14, and I experienced it on days 2-4 and now again on day 14. I've tried eating anyway and it's incredibly painful to choke anything down. The nausea goes away by the afternoon, but it's concerning that it went away and now it's back :(

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  • 1 year later...

I am on Day 11 and my nausea has progressively gotten worst throughout the day hardly any appetite but I forced some chicken breast and veggies down and had an apple and coconut milk starting to feel a bit better now. Hope it doesnt' come back. Thanks for the tips guys! 

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  • 4 months later...

I am on Day 8 and nausea, stomach grumblings & diarrhea. This started on late afternoon Day 7.  I have no appetite and even looking at food turns my stomach.  I don't want to mess up my metabolism from skipping meals.  I didn't have dinner last night, had only a cup of blueberries & water and about 3 ounces of black coffee, went for my 3.5 mile walk and felt weak.   Trying to drink lots of water....I made myself eat lunch, green beans, chicken, and 1/2 of sweet potato.  Still don't feel great.  I want to keep with this program and will.  I have a physical on Wednesday and will discuss with my doctor.  

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I have been nauseous since day one and I'm only on day 2.  But it ins't in my stomach it feels like it is in my throat.  I keep drinking water in hopes that it will get better, but nothing is working.  I guess keep going.  I remember I read, it has taken years to get this way, it isn't going to get better overnight.  Day 2 is almost done.  Hopefully tomorrow won't bring the headaches.

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Thank you for the feedback.  I am on day 11 and feeling better.  I am not nauseous any more.  I don't feel like I am losing weight or that my clothes are getting looser.  My doctor's appointment went well, fasting blood work, etc.   The not so good news is I have hypothalamus.   I understand this program isn't for losing weight primarily but I was hoping to lose some 5-10lbs by the end of the program.  Now with finding out I have hypothalamus  I am concerned that won't be possible.  I am staying on the program and seeing it through but it's very discouraging knowing I may not lose any weight or very minimal.  My son's wedding is 19 Jul and I was really hoping to see some downward movement with my weight. Wishing all a great day, stay strong you can do it! ;) 

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  • 1 month later...

I am on Day 7, and very nauseated in the mornings. The thought of food makes me feel sicker. In a very strange twist, i have also lost my taste for coffee entirely, and up until a week ago, I was drinking 4 to 6 cups of black coffee every morning... took my two thermal mugs to work every day. Now... just not interested. Here's another odd thing: this is bringing back memories of my childhood (I'm 55 now): I felt nauseated almost every morning from about fifth grade through high school. I was rarely able to eat breakfast, and I felt yucky! I was slim, athletic, and we ate well--no fast food, no packaged foods, etc. That's exactly how I'm feeling now, nauseated. Interesting, though weird. I'm keeping on with the whole30 because I really want to know what is going on with my body, and at this point I truly don't care what I can't eat if I can feel better (currently overweight, sedentary, recently diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, total sugar addict, etc., etc.)


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