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Rowing + Whole30: Supporting 12 x weekly training?


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Hi there!


I'm currently on Day 8 of my Whole30 (HOLLA TO MY NEW YEARS DAY STARTERS!) and so far finding everything good (worryingly!) Enjoying the benefits of strict, squeaky clean paleo....


However, although i have been training consistently over the holidays, this week i re-start training with the rowing squad. Training is pretty intense...


Monday AM - 1 hr full body weights (squats, cleans, T-bar, step ups etc)

Monday PM - 3 x 20mins ergo

Tuesday AM - 1 hr weights with S&C coach (normally squats / deadlifts / cleans OR bench)

Tuesday PM - 1hr crosstrain and core (stationary bike / run / another ergo)

Wednesday AM - 1.25 hr circuits 

Wednesday PM - 1 water session (lasting 2 - 2.5 hours)

Thursday AM - 1 hr full body weights (bench, split squats, supine rows.. etc)

Thursday PM - 30minute ergo

Friday AM - 2 hour water session

Friday PM - 1hr crosstrain and core (stationary bike / run / another ergo)

Saturday AM - 2 hour water session

(optional: Saturday PM - another 1 hour water session)




I basically wanted to get a bit of advice. I have some weight to shift, in the region of about 20-25lbs, so i wanted to see what people thought was the idea for fuelling this amount of exercise. I know for the steady state stuff, keep a moderate carb intake with my meals should be sufficient, but what about the long ergos? (pieces on the rowing machine) If i am looking to refuel after every single session AS WELL as my normal meals... well, i don't know if i can eat that much food! As i mentioned, my main goal for this year is to slim down back to a weight where i am comfortable, can perform and my confidence is restored, however i don't want my performance to suffer as a result.


Any input would be extremely appreciated!



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That is a lot of training and every session demanding enough to call for a post-workout meal to support recovery. You might skip pre-workout meals, but you really will need five meals per day to adequately fuel performance. And if you need to lose 20-25 pounds, you will lose weight while eating five meals per day. Honestly. You could slow or stop fat loss by under-eating for your activity level and slowing your metabolism. Don't do it. Trust the process and follow the meal template: http://whole9life.com/book/ISWF-Meal-Planning-Template.pdf

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