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More acne??


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I've always battled with cystic nodule acne. It's been pretty mild the last few months.  Most of what is left on my face is inflammation in the tissue from previous acne.


But since I have started Whole30, my acne keeps popping up all over my jaws and chin! Not only is it super painful, it's embarrassing because makeup won't cover it.


Does anyone else have this problem?

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Ugh, I'm so sorry. My acne never cleared up with Whole30/paleo. I don't know why. I wound up using Murad's Acne Complex (which I swear by, but I know doesn't work for everyone).


I don't have any solutions, but I feel your pain -- it really is frustrating to deal with skin issues, especially when you're doing something that seems to help so many people.

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I am fortunate I do not have to deal with sever nodulocystic acne, but I do experience both the nodules and cysts--and I scratch at them and tend to squeeze them--yeh, bad. They just hurt so bad I think I am unconsciously trying to empty them as I find myself dong this without thinking about it. If only they were simple white heads, right? I have not started W30 yet, but have approximated it while hubby finishes the book. What I found, as mine is also hormone related, is this month things were worse than they have been in a long time. I am hoping part of it is a detox/hormonal regulation issue and will go away. I also noticed my cystic ingrown hairs increased. I am hoping when I start W30, my body will have detoxed enough things will be better this month. 


I have to use a face scrub daily (use a almond scrub), use witch hazel for toner, and use a moisturizer daily (current bottle is hemp based). I started this several years ago and my acne improved, by about 50%, in the first month. If I don't use this, my face produces too much oil in an attempt to compensate, and that results in a mild outbreak within 2 days.

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I have tried everything from Dermologica, Murad, Proactiv and Clear Acne to prescribed topical gels/steroids to African Black Soap, Witch Hazel, Tree Tea oil, and various scrubs.


Nothing works!


As I understood my doctor, cystic nodule acne stems from the inside and can't generally be treated with the above products I mentioned. But goodness do I try. The only thing that brings relief is an ocassional visit for a professional facial.


I am not sure if anyone else is into face mapping, but acne along the jaw line and chin usually indicate an imbalance in the intestines. Which I seriously don't know how that is possible.

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Interesting. I had to go look that up. My nose is my major problem area and what it said was:  Poor diet; Constipation; Bloating; Gastrointestinal imbalance; Indigestion; Poor blood circulation if skin on nose peels


​Not sure about the poor blood circulation part (although my nose does peel), but the rest is all stuff I'm hoping to finally correct during these 30 days. I'm also wondering if dairy has been a culprit because of the hormonal component. 

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I am the exact same way!!!! For the first week on the whole 30 (I am on day 9 btw) I thought, wow! this really works, because my skin was looking pretty good. Then came the end of that week and the beginning of this week and I have broken out with 5 count em, 5 zits on my chin and jaw. They all came at the same time too, weird. If it is about digestive issues, then that may make sense to me since I can't seem to go to the bathroom (constipation). But still, I hope as I continue on the plan they'll clear up. 

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I'm on day 15 of the Whole30, and same thing happened to me where I thought my acne was doing better, but then suddenly it got a lot worse around day 8 and 9.  I too have pervasive cystic acne and have been trying to figure out how to holistically be rid of it for a while now.

Chin and jaw acne generally tend to indicate more of a hormonal imbalance than a digestive one (however, I personally believe that it ALL comes back down to digestion in the end though).  Since part of the reason to do the Whole30 is to try and get our bodies' hormonal responses back into some sort of balance, the breakouts occurring a week after starting the program makes a little bit of sense. 

I am still having small, non-cystic flareups on the moment, but nothing like the big deal it was five days ago.

Just got to keep going!  Also, while it doesn't prevent acne in any way, I highly recommend Argan oil as a moisturizer to manage the acne that does come around.  It really helps calm down redness and believe it or not, keeps my skin from getting too oily.  I know it sounds counter intuitive, but after a lot of reading, I tried it out, and love it now!

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Have you tried oil-pulling for acne? it's an ancient ayurvedic method that draws toxins and bacteria out of your body through your mouth. It sounds really strange, but I've been doing it for a week and my acne on my neck disappeared after two days!  A friend of mine recommended it after she had great results with getting rid of her cystic acne. Google "oil pulling" and you will find lots of info if you're interested!

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I had my acne flare up like crazy(!!!) around day 8/9.  Lasted a couple days, then disappeared and my face looked cleaner than it has in a long time.  However, I woke up with another big one above my upper lip this morning.  Hopefully it goes away soon!  Good luck with yours.

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I'm on day 26 of the whole30, and I got 4 pimples on my chin, all new, and all the type that get really red and swollen. I recently got my IUD out, so I'm hoping the acne will clear up after  I get my hormones balanced.


Thinking about the things I've been eating, I'll try to cut down nuts and pepper/chili spices. 

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Day 6 here and definite flare up in painful cystic acne and even blackheads... Ugh.. I did not think about the fact I have a dermatologist appointment on Friday when I started my Whole30... Should make for an interesting visit, even though she did mention limited dairy when I was there 3 months ago. 

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