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Day two...the strange thing I miss the most is...


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Gum (for after meals at work), mints (also at work for the quick breath freshen before a meeting), chocolate ( though I didn't have it very much anyway), and my new (but short lived due to Whole30) favorite Three Twins ice cream - Chocolate Orange Confetti. Ok, maybe missing the ice cream isn't all *that* strange. ;)

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My homemade canned chili sauce and salsa (both have sugar :() on my morning eggs

And Ketchup on my sweet potatos---I tried making paleo ketchup, but its missing the sweetness. It's weird because I didn't think I really ate much ketchup.

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When I gave up smoking I replaced the habit with chewing gum. I'm on Day 1 of the Whole30... When I got in the car this morning (2+ hour commute, each way) I found myself fiddling with all the buttons, cranking the stereo, and playing all the car-trip games I could think of to keep my mind off chewing gum!

Who knew I'd be stuck in the "quiting smoking" realm 9 years after I smoked my last cigarette?

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drinks with flavor. (yes, I know you can flavor water, but it's not the same!) Before whole30 if I drank my full 64 oz in a day, I'd have Diet Snapple Peach tea for dinner...there's some in my pantry that I am willing myself to stay away from!

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Liane, make your own!!!

6 ounces tomato paste

2/3 cup apple cider vinegar

1/3 cup water

2 tbsp onions

2 cloves garlic

1 tsp salt

1/8 tsp ground allspice

1/8 tsp ground cloves

1/8 tsp pepper

Combine ingredients in food processor and blend until the onion disappears. Spoon mixture into an airtight container and store in the refrigerator.

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