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Fallback meals for AI Whole 30


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I'm struggling with fallback meals and snacks doing an auto-immune whole 30, because of all the newly restricted foods. Often my fallback meals involved eggs, or nuts, or whole 30 (but not AI) compliant snack bars, but now those are banned. I'd love ideas from fellow auto-immune-ers on their fallback meals, for those times when you're just so tired, or sore, that it's too hard to cook something that involves more than a few minutes work, or sometimes any work at all. 

Thanks in advance!

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This is not specific to AI, but get things ready when you do feel like it. Have a soup you just love? Make a double batch, freeze half. Don't feel like cooking one night? Pull the soup out of the freezer. I use quart bags and freeze them flat. When they're frozen, stand them up like books. It takes up less room. Making pulled pork or a roast or chicken breast? Make double and freeze in the portions you need for a quick lunch or dinner. I like to thaw partway in a sink of warm water and finish on the stove.

Also, the weekly cook-up in Well Fed is a lifesaver for me. I've done it occassionally, but now I've been consistent with it for about a month and dinner time is so much better. On the nights I do cook a full meal I find I enjoy it more since I know I won't have to do it every night.

Hope this helps a little. :)

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