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day (almost) 28 and anxious

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I've made it this far and I'm proud.  I haven't been on the scale, but I'm pretty sure I haven't lost any weight.  I wasn't really expecting to.  My body seems content here at 5' 5" 130# ish (although I'm not in complete agreement).  My sleep has been good.  My energy has been off and on.  Now, I feel anxious.  It's almost a feeling of wanting to binge (I have a very disordered past).  Is it just that I'm almost done?  Is this the "day 28 is good enough" syndrome?  I had really gotten rid of that anxious feeling for most of my whole 30 and was feeling so positive about the changes I had been making, but it's not comforting that those feeling are back.  I don't want day 31 to be a all out food coma mess.  Has anyone else been like this?  What did you do to reign yourself back in and re focus?  Thanks :-)

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Are you planning to do reintroductions to learn what foods you are sensitive to? Controlled reintroductions require you to stay Whole30-compliant with the exception of the foods you are reintroducing, during your reintroduction period.


Sample reintroduction schedule: http://whole30.com/step-two-finished/


I am contemplating similar questions myself, also on Day 28. In the past I've slid back into some of my bad habits. This time I plan to do reintroductions so that I will be better equipped to make food decisions in the future. I also seem to do much better within the structure of the W30 so I plan to create "rules" for myself that I must stick to, for the things I tend to have an issue with (wine, chocolate).

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I agree that planning out your reintroduction schedule might help with your anxiety at this point. As you reintroduce and see how each food affects you start formulating what riding your own bike will look like for you so by the time introductions are finished you have a plan.

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