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I'm starting today


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Hello, I have been paleo off and on for 2 years, never very strict. I started to really clean up my diet this summer and want to focus on nutritionally dense foods, such as bone broth, organ meats, cultured foods, dark greens.

I have decided to go a step further and do this program because I have occasionally had raw honey, alcohol, legumes, white rice, and white potatoes.

I have undiagnosable chronic widespread pain. I've had it since 2009 and it just keeps getting worse. It is to the point that I cant stand for 5 minutes without being in a tremendous amount of pain. I'm a mother of 3 and this is severely affecting my life.

SO, I read testimonials all the time about how diet has transformed people's lives and I'm determined to be one who can say that I have fully recovered!

And here I am, tightening up my diet further. Here's to day 1 :)

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