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Another February 3rder


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Reintroduction is a long-term process, not just a 1-day event. We encourage people to pay attention every time they eat an off-plan food, because sometimes the effects are cumulative (one meal of bread is no problem for me, three days of bread in a row is a huge problem); sometimes one food will affect you in ways others in the same food group won't (goat cheese= alien belly, parmesan cheese=no problem); and sometimes the effects are so subtle or psychological, you won't notice them at all until you've done two or three Whole30's and are more invested in and aware of the nuances of the program.


Remember, too, that your body builds up defense mechanisms against foods that irritate the gut. The mucosal lining gets thicker, the bacteria population changes, your immune system ramps up to deal with the troublemakers. These are all adaptations that may help you "get used to" the foods in question, but they're not healthy. If you have an immediate and serious reaction to a food you used to eat "without issue" during your reintroduction period, it's likely that your body has relaxed some of those defenses (because you've been without the trigger for 30 days), and now that you've reintroduced it, your body reacts quite strongly without those buffers. This doesn't mean your body "needs to get used to" the food--it means that without those secondary defenses, your body is quite strongly telling you, "No thank you." You would do well to listen to those signals.


We're planning on expanding our reintroduction guidelines in far more detail in our next project, but for now, feel free to modify the schedule as you see fit, and interpret the results as you see fit as well. We'll give you our best guidance, but ultimately how you choose to reintroduce foods (and whether you keep them in your diet after the program) is entirely up to you.




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Reintroduction is a long-term process, not just a 1-day event. We encourage people to pay attention every time they eat an off-plan food, because sometimes the effects are cumulative (one meal of bread is no problem for me, three days of bread in a row is a huge problem); sometimes one food will affect you in ways others in the same food group won't (goat cheese= alien belly, parmesan cheese=no problem); and sometimes the effects are so subtle or psychological, you won't notice them at all until you've done two or three Whole30's and are more invested in and aware of the nuances of the program.


Remember, too, that your body builds up defense mechanisms against foods that irritate the gut. The mucosal lining gets thicker, the bacteria population changes, your immune system ramps up to deal with the troublemakers. These are all adaptations that may help you "get used to" the foods in question, but they're not healthy. If you have an immediate and serious reaction to a food you used to eat "without issue" during your reintroduction period, it's likely that your body has relaxed some of those defenses (because you've been without the trigger for 30 days), and now that you've reintroduced it, your body reacts quite strongly without those buffers. This doesn't mean your body "needs to get used to" the food--it means that without those secondary defenses, your body is quite strongly telling you, "No thank you." You would do well to listen to those signals.


We're planning on expanding our reintroduction guidelines in far more detail in our next project, but for now, feel free to modify the schedule as you see fit, and interpret the results as you see fit as well. We'll give you our best guidance, but ultimately how you choose to reintroduce foods (and whether you keep them in your diet after the program) is entirely up to you.




Thanks Melissa,


That was a good addition to my question of "why one day to test?" Thanks also to the other moderators who have helped us along on this thread as we consider what and how to test on our bodies. 

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Firstly, you only need to reintroduce the foods you are either curious about (in terms of your physical/psychological reaction) or foods that you want to eat again.


The way you placed dairy into subgroups is one way you can reintro dairy.  Some folks do a pasturized milk day and a raw milk day. Others do a cow's milk day and then sheep/goat. Again, think about the types of dairy you want to eat again or are curious about and proceed that way.

Regarding "readjusting the reintro period," I'd advise you to stick with the recommended reintro process of 1 day per food group (eating the food group in question at all 3 meals), followed by 2 days of 100% Whole30 eating before you reintro the next food group. The only reason to have more than 1 day of reintroducing an item is if you had unclear results on the initial reintro day. See this post by moderator Tom Denham on why you feel the effects of an offending food more sharply after completing a Whole30.  Further, FWIW, the Whole30 recommended schedule is analogous to the same reintro schedule used by my nutritionist in my doctor's office when I had food allergy testing. 

Bottom line: since dairy in all its various forms seems to be your major concern, I would recommend a reintro schedule that looks like this:

- Day 1: Reintro cultured dairy, keeping everything else Whole30

- Day 2-3: Return to 100% Whole30 eating

- Day 4: Reintro fatty dairy (butter/cream), keeping everything else Whole30

- Day 5-6: Return to 100% Whole30 eating

- Day 7: Reintro goat's milk, keeping everything else Whole30

You could then reintro wine and dark chocolate, following the same schedule, after goat's milk.

Once you reintro a group or subgroup, you wouldn't eat it again until all your reintros are done.

Thanks Chris. I think I'll do just that! 


For those of you who missed it, the link Chris refers to is a rather helpful thread talking about why our bodies react a little different on reintro. 

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Last day!  How's everyone feeling?  I must say, that really wasn't that bad...


Not bad at all. The best part of this whole thing was that I was able to influence others to try it and read the book too! One of my coworkers read the book last week and started her Whole30 today. Since she borrowed the book from me, she bought the book for herself after finishing it and is giving it to another coworker this week because now she is interested!! Oh and my book is being passed around my office to a new coworker! I love spreading the Good Food word!!

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aww good luck you guys! I'm still going to extend mine for another week but look forward to seeing you on the other side!


Great job! I am proud of you for sticking to your word in adding the extra week. I know we don't know each other like that but I am still proud lol. We all still have a long journey ahead. Reintros will be harder than the 30 days in my opinion. I know for the next 10 days I will be plagued with nasty reactions to foods I once craved.

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Just read today's Whole30 Daily. I'm thinking about doing this one now.

From the Whole30 Daily about reintroductions:

Just feeling so good = up to you. If you're just feeling so darn good right now that you can't imagine wanting to eat or drink something that you know will make you feel not-so-good, then it's up to you whether you keep going or start the reintroduction schedule. Many folks handle this situation intuitively—they stay on the Whole30 until something so delicious (and so worth it) crosses their path, they decide to come off for that one special item. (We like this approach.)

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It's Day 30!!!!  We made it and what a difference 30 days make!  I'm feeling great and I do believe my body composition is changing and that's pretty miraculous for a 48 year old!  :) I feel so much smarter about food choices now - what's good for my body, how to shop for food for my family and how to make the food I prepare even tastier than I thought possible.  I can honestly say I'm not really missing anything!  I'm happy with what I'm eating.  I plan to extend my Whole 30 out at least until March 15th before I do any reintro.  And, then I only plan to have some wine to celebrate our wedding anniversary.  I figure if I'm not missing anything, why add it back in?  I have a big doctor appointment in mid-May and I would really like to get a good report from the doctor that my inflammation marker has improved.  And, I really would like to lose about 20 lbs but the weight is secondary to the inflammation.  My gut issues have disappeared, I haven't had even ONE 3:00am hot flash since I started my Whole 30 (miracle in itself) and what a relief!  I just feel great - I'm going to have a hard time not preaching Whole30 out there but I'm going to behave myself.  I've already influenced a co-worker and she's on about day 15!  And, I just told her what I was doing when she saw me heating up my lunch one day and it inspired her.  Apparently her brother had done a Whole30 last year and so she was familiar with the program.  It's a great feeling to know you've inspired even one person about anything.  I really have enjoyed being a part of this group.  I hope we'll keep up with how reintro goes (I'm going to learn from all of you!) and how the measurements and weight are tomorrow!  I'm not expecting huge results because I'm trying to be realistic but I know there are some because of how my clothes are fitting.  I'm so proud of all of you!  You each and every one have inspired me in some way in the past 30 days and kept me boosted when I was feeling low (tuna with soy incident).  And, I'd also like to thank my sister for turning me on to Whole 30 in the first place.  Because of her, I bought ISWF before Christmas so I would be ready for February 3rd.  Hang in there everybody and I will look forward to hearing everyone's progress tomorrow!  WOOOOOHOOOOOO!!!!!

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We're done!  Do you guys want to continue here or start a separate thread in the reintro forum?

I think it would be great to continue here. We all know each other now and I'm afraid some might get lost if we switch. I'm looking forward to hearing how everyone's reintro goes, but I'm also interested in hearing the updates and results from those who keep going and push their reintro period out farther. I've read elsewhere the experiences of those who have done whole45, Whole60 and so on, so I'd like to hear what our companions have to say even if I don't plan to go that far. 


Thoughts? Anyone?

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I think it would be great to continue here. We all know each other now and I'm afraid some might get lost if we switch. I'm looking forward to hearing how everyone's reintro goes, but I'm also interested in hearing the updates and results from those who keep going and push their reintro period out farther. I've read elsewhere the experiences of those who have done whole45, Whole60 and so on, so I'd like to hear what our companions have to say even if I don't plan to go that far. 


Thoughts? Anyone?

For those who reintro, we ask that you create a reintro thread in the Whole30 Reintroduction section. This is so newbies don't get confused when reading about people eating off plan food in the Join the Whole30 section.


For those who are extending their Whole30, it's fine to keep posting here.

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I am kicking myself! I celebrated my completion with 2 of my mom's homemade chocolate chip cookies last night. I am paying for it today. My stomach is feeling a bit yucky. Reintro is no joke. Play it smart friends. I will play it smarter from here on out and stick with my original plan.

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I'm not compulsive weigher (usually once or twice a week), but I have to admit that I was excited to step on the scale this morning to see where I was at.  I can tell my clothes were fitting better and could actually see my abs (I knew they were under there somewhere!) 


Anyways, here were my results:  Lost 6.8lbs, dropped 1.6% body fat, lost .5" on the waist, .5" on the hips and 1" on each thigh. 

I didn't count calories throughout the Whole30, but I would guess that I was eating 1,700-2,000 per day (usually toward the higher end when I ate at home, but when I ate out I had a harder time getting enough to eat!)  Exercise stayed the same.  Honestly, biggest lesson for me is how much weight I put on from drinking and the mindless eating that comes along with it!

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Hi, guys.  WE DID IT!!!!!!  Yay for us.  I went ahead and started a new thread in the reintro section.  I didn't see one that anyone else had started, so hope that's okay.  The link is here:




Pop over and read about my results and let's keep the support and communication going. 

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Hey there!  I will post my results here and on the new thread (thanks Zellyb for starting it).  Today I'm down 7.8 lbs, down 2" in my waist, 2.5" in my stomach, 1" in my hips, 1" left thigh, .5" right thigh, .5" in each calf.  I do plan to continue on but I will be checking the reintro thread for everyone's experiences with new foods.   


I am thrilled with my results!  I used to weigh myself everyday but now I think I'll just weigh every 2 weeks or so.  It really did influence my mood and food choices.  (And that sounds very silly to me now.) 


I feel like my body really responds well to this style of eating.  It feels good to know there is no junk getting in.  I've broadened my horizons with trying new vegetables and have developed new favorites.  One thing I haven't tried that I want to is roasted beets - that will be next week's adventure. 


As a Whole30 treat for myself, I bought Nom Nom Paleo's cookbook and it arrived yesterday in spite of all the snow and ice on the ground.  I haven't gotten to the recipes portion yet, but let me tell you, it's so darn cute and her story is just really charming.  I highly recommend it!   


Congratulations to everyone!  Chime in with your results and if you plan to continue the program with a Whole45, 60, 90 - it will be nice to know who is in! 

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Wow!  What excellent results!  Congrats! 


While I was pleased with my results and have absolutely loved the food I've been eating, I will not be continuing the program and here is why.  For me, the Whole30 was easy.  The rules are very black and white.  You make a decision to follow them, and you follow through.  The real challenge for me is going to be learning to ride my own bike, figuring out how to maintain the habits and results I liked sans black and white rules.  While I KNEW I would complete the Whole30, I'm much less confident about my ability to find  balance and maintain healthy yet sustainable long-term habits without the strict rules!

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I weighed in yesterday and lost 11.2 pounds and 1.4% in body fat. For a total of 22.6 pounds since I started working out and eating a paleo-type lifestyle for the past 4 months (not including December =/). So I am confident that those 11 pounds can be credited to solely to the Whole30 I did do my measurements yesterday too but they did not upload in an app I used to log them. So I am going to do them again on Sat.

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