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Successful outing!

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I went to a company outing today and my food choices were pretty successful. I prepped by eating before I left. There wasn't much I could eat except a burger, some sliced tomatoes, and some watermelon. I did ok with that, cornbread and things like that aren't anything I can't live without. Then comes mini golf (it was at a fun park) and when you come out there's the ice cream stand. I heart ice cream. Like really really heart ice cream. And as soon as John said "would you like an ice cream" my head went through that chart that Melissa has on the site (I've posted it in my food spaces) and I said "no thank you". I couldn't believe that I said no thank you, and that I MEANT it. It took me a moment to decide that it wasn't worth it. I also told myself that when I got home if I still wanted ice cream I could have some coconut milk ice cream that I have in the freezer. For emergencies:)

All in all, I know it's a small victory but it feels pretty significant.

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