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Good morning! I have 5 more days left on my first W30. Yay! I have a physical today and I will be weighed. I have been thinking ALL week about this. Do I let them weigh me? Do I turn around on the scale so I can't see it? Do I just go through the motions and look anyway since it's a medical appointment? My answer is *drumroll*.... I am not going to look. I actually may not even allow them to weigh me. Either way, I made a commitment to follow W30 and that includes not weighing myself. Just a heads up: There is no medical reason to weigh me today. It's just protocol. This may not be a concern or a long thought out process for most, but I struggle with not weighing myself and this month has changed my relationship with the scale... to put this in perspective let me share a post...



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I'm proud of you. :D


I had a doctor appointment this month, too, and I just turned my back on the numbers and asked the nurse not to tell me what I weigh. Wasn't an issue. But I really really hate that they weigh you every time, even if you're there for the flu and can hardly keep from falling off the scale.

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Very good. I'll be weighed at the doctor this Friday--which is Day 6 for me but I want to know the number because I did not weigh myself beforehand. I am very good about staying off the scale because I think weight/scales can really have a negative impact on one's body image but I'd like to know what effect the w30 has on my weight. I'll weigh myself again 4 weeks after that (at my next appointment). 


Anyway, congrats on making that decision. I think it's the right one! 

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