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Daughter's birthday


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Today we are celebrating my daughter's 9th birthday. The thing is she wants me to make the cake and pizzas with her and although I'm flattered she thinks my cake and pizzas are the "best ever" I know I'm going to have an awful time not eating some.

I don't know, maybe I just need support or advice. Please.

Today is day 11 and it's my first Whole30. When I started I knew this day was coming but honestly thought it would be easier.

Thank you in advance.

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My husband's granddaughter specifically requested that I bake cupcakes with her while she stayed with us during days 7-9. I was worried most about the "habit" of licking the spoon, my fingers etc... So I used it as an opportunity to let her learn -read the recipe, figure out the right measuring tools etc... So I was still fun for us and I was able to keep my distance from the food.

Saying no to eating during the event might not be as hard as you think. Just stay busy, have enough of your own food/drinks on hand. You've made it this far, you can get through that one day :)

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