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Day 28 and TIRED!


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Just a quick question. I have been really happy with my Whole30 thus far, and I am almost finished. I was eating pretty well before I started, so I didn't follow the timeline exactly. However, up until about two weeks ago I had super energy. I wanted to work out every day, and I did. Sometime last week I just hit a wall and now all I want to do is sleep. I am just EXHAUSTED for what appears to be no reason. i have not changed diet, sleeping habits or exercise (except that I can no longer work out because I am just too damn sleepy). I want to go to bed early and sleep through my alarm. It's a litle scary, actually.


Any advice or anyone else experiencing this so late in the game?



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Hang in there!  I have no concrete advice except, stay committed to your 30 days!  And I can relate to the ridiculous fatigue.  Mine comes and goes.  You made it 28 days, even when you were not totally happy with the journey.  Stick to your 30 day commitment to yourself.

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