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Beginning Whole30- Blog starting on Day 4- Oops!

Brittany K.

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Ok, so today begins day 4 for me, I've been battling a sinus infection since Day 1 so it's been a bit of a rough road.


Day 1 and two I felt great. Day two I splurged and had blackberries and pineapple with coconut flakes and coconut milk after dinner because I had a bit of a sugar craving and didn't have any fruit that day.


Day 3 was worse for wear, I was moody, lethargic, felt like I was constantly hungry but I only ate 3 meals like I am supposed to. Breakfast was a burger scramble with pepper onion and eggs and a homemade guacamole with garlic, lemon juice and avocado. Lunch was chicken breast over lettuce and tomato with sauteed onions and broccoli on the side. I took a 2 hour nap which helped but I had the craziest dreams!


I had dreams about brownies and pre-made rice krispy treats- which I don't even eat!! I had serious cravings for something to drink other than water. I am withdrawing from coca cola products! Dinner was satisfying though as I made a meat sauce in the crockpot and put it over zucchini and yellow squash.


One issue I had is my husband telling me my breath smelled like eggs for the past three days. I was reading that maybe I wasn't getting enough carbs so I brushed, flossed, and rinsed with mouthwash and decided to increase my sweet potato uptake. We will see what happens.



Day 4: Had same breakfast as Day 3- wasn't as delicious.I decided to eat half of a sweet potato with coconut oil, cinnamon and a dash of salt. IT WAS INCREDIBLY SATISFYING!!!! Seems like it was exactly what my body needed.


I do have a bit of a headache today, but it's also the 1st day I haven't had a cup of coffee in the morning since I can remember, just wasn't feeling it. 


Let's see how the rest of the day goes, it's a snowy mess and in the past I used to veg on the couch and shove my face while watching TV!

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