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Starting Whole30 on 2/22/14


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Hey EsTher- Day 18!!!! It feels like you are catching us!   Hooray for everyone!


I've got that "true to template" thoughts of "Gosh, isn't 25 close enough?" going through my mind today.  I made more of "TheClothesMakeTheGirl"'s Moroccean Meatballs (Love, love, love the meatballs and especially the sauce!) today and ate them for both lunch and dinner- with carrot sticks both times.  Boring, but it was right there and tasty!


I moved more today and have been abusing the whole "I've got energy!!!!!" thing... going to bed waaaaaay too late for the past three nights.  It's late now.  Off to zzzzzz; after I post today's log!

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Hi,  I am so happy for you and you are for sure my best motivation to stay on track. I have been compliant so far, but I still have the same problems... I have eaten very little this last two days, and it is not because I am hungry, it is because I am obsessed with restrictions.  


Reading and reading about what could happen I found this...




And I have been thinking a lot about it. I have not given up as I don't want to take that article as an excuse, but for sure I relate to it. I have dealt with eating disorders for a long long time now (more than 20 years) , and when I found this program I thought this could be me solution, but maybe not... I am just feeling bad. 

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Thing of you, E. That was a good article! I certainly have found that doing W30 #2 is a completely different experience this time around. A moderator recently noted on my log to think about keeping the question "What does my body need?" in the forefront in meal planning, rather than the thousands of other crazy things that pop into my thoughts. It sounds very simplified, but hit the spot for me. When you consider your health, there is NO fail.... Just decisions to be made in on your behalf. You are wise and very capable of making those!

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EsTher! I totally agree with Gardengirl that it's important to listen to your body. My sister had a hard time with whole 30 as well. She ended up quitting because she was obsessing so much about food and she found herself trying to eat less and less every day. It was really unhealthy and she couldn't keep going. It doesn't sound like you are where she was at though. If it helps, try to think that as long as you stay with the template-ish, you can eat as much as you want. So during meals, make sure to eat some veggies and meat but if you just need a good portion of fruit, go for it! If you don't follow the template 100% it's okay! I think it's really hard to do that. As long as you are getting some veggies and meat or other protein in during the day you should be fine!


Listen to your body, feed your body, and don't worry too much about what you are eating. Whole 30 itself is restrictive, so following it alone will leave you some great benefits. It's totally fine to not follow the template, especially on those really stressful or hard days. I hope that helped. 


Also Gardengirl, I'm totally there with you on the timeline. So I work as a student teacher three days a week and this week is Teacher and Staff Appreciation Week. Today there was a bunch of food provided in the staff room. There were donuts, bagels, muffins, granola and all these other delicious things. I definitely kept thinking about quitting now. I was like "well, I'm kind of done already. What's a few days..." I did not quit! I ate my lunch in the classroom instead of the staff room hahahaha. Friday is a luncheon though so that will be hard, but I'm so close I can't give up!


Happy Day 26 and Day 18 girls! It does feel like you are catching us EsTher! Let's stay strong to the end! 

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I know I have appeared to be so very strong along this journey, but I just ate 4 olives (darn it, my first *snack!?!*) and I'm trying not to eat more, so I thought I'd distract myself here.  Stay the course, ladies!  It helps to know that you both are!

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Oh no Gardengirl! At least you didn't eat more than that for a snack! I have definitely snacked here and there but it's been when I'm hungry, so I mean, I think it's fine. I have been working hard not to eat when I'm indifferent and only eat when I'm hungry. Today was a struggle again as there were more bagels and donuts in the staff room. I ate my lunch in the classroom again to avoid it but I'm dreading the luncheon. I definitely had thoughts of quitting today just by the fact that I'm almost done, but stayed strong!


Just three and half more days! I might treat myself and get some protein style burgers tomorrow or saturday. I love burgers :) Luckily I've been busy as hell with school so I haven't had too much time to think about food. It's going to be harder this weekend being surrounded by bagels but I know I can do it. I think I'm gonna take bagels home sunday and eat some when I reintroduce grains. That might help me get through being around them if I take some home  :)


I've also been distracting myself here and reading all the topics. It really helps to have this support. I do not think I could have made it through without you Gardengirl and EsTher. Also EsTher, I plan on continuing to post throughout reintroduction and while you are finishing your whole 30. I've really appreciated all this support and want to make sure you continue to have support through the end.


On the positive side, I went dress shopping today and got some really cute things I can't wait to wear!!

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Happy Day 28 and Day 20 girls! WOOOOO it feels great that we are all super far! Gardengirl, you and me just have two full days left! and EsTher, you are now about 2/3 of the way through! YAY!


The luncheon was easier than I thought it would be. I was tempted by the chowmein, but nothing else. Nothing looked good except that. I miss Chinese food a lot but the muffins looked sub-par. Usually I would jump for one so that made me super happy! Also, other side note, after giving up added sugar, everything seems sweet. I had mixed mashed sweet potatoes with unsweetened applesauce and had a bite of the applesauce. It was so sweet! I used to hate it unsweetened but now I feel like I can enjoy it which really makes me happy. I can definitely keep a lot of sugar out of my diet. Also, I don't miss soda, which I had habitually consumed before this. I feel like I can give it up for good, which makes me happy. If I go for sweet things, I might try tea and add pure sugar to it. Sugar isn't the best, but I was looking up synthetic sugar. It is really horrible for you!


I almost broke today, well, I really wanted to break. My computer crashed. Luckily, I was able to recover my documents as well as most of the other files. It did not look good for a while and all I wanted was candy. I had a huge meltdown because I have so many important school documents. I have tons of schoolwork I've been working on as well as study materials for my midterm next week. Also, I'm writing a book and would have lost that too. I think I would have lost it. I don't think I would have broke whole 30, but it definitely tempted me when I was melting down. 


Almost to the finish line! I keep telling myself 28 days is not 30 days and re-reading the timeline. I keep telling myself that I'm worth the commitment and the feeling when I finish will be fantastic! It's hard, but two more days isn't a big deal. Keep chugging along girls! We have done great so far!

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Yes, cute clothes (that fit well) can put a bright spot on the day. I am feeling very upset in my stomach at this moment! We went out to dinner and I had a balsamic spinach salad which was supposed to have onions, tomatoes and steak (okay, and blue cheese, but I obviously passed on that). I didn't ask all kinds of questions ( my husband was with me and he is NOT very tolerant of me engaging with the server with a long series of questions.... There certainly could be more support there...). When the salad arrived, it had the expected ingredients, but it was also very oily. I should have sought the server down (never saw her again until payment time). I am concerned that thee was canola -or some other kind of oil- mixed in. I could have sopped up oil off each leaf... And kind of wanted to, except the hunger and obvious "good manners" thing. Almost each piece of steak ( all six small pieces that there were- for $15!) was gristly. Not a great way to finish out day 28!

I hope your meals and lives were great! I am looking forward to the weekend.

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Hi girls.... wow... lots of things going on with you, and you only have two more days to go !!! GOOD FOR YOU!!!


Carmen, I am happy you were able to recover your documents, and I totally understand how you felt. Gardengirl, I am sorry to hear that little issue with your salad, but don't think about it and keep going ! 


I did not feel very well these last two days. I went from not eating much to REALLY overeating (compliant foods)... I know this is not healthy but I am working on it. Today, I feel bloated. I am happy that it is saturday, and although I have to work, I will be at home for three days (monday is a holiday) so I know I will be much better to be calm and under control. 


For sure I will be happy to keep this contact with you after you are done. I can't wait to hear your results and how do you do with reintroduction. 


Have a happy weekend !

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Happy Day 29 and Day 21 girls! Gardengirl, I'm so sorry about the sauce! I hope your stomach is now fully recovered! 

EsTher, I'm glad it is the weekend for you! I'm sorry you have been having a hard time! Also what you do you consider overeating? Are you just eating way past when you are full? 


I've definitely been tested a lot these last few days. I thought the luncheon was the last thing, but I went to In N Out yesterday and they made my order wrong. Instead if wrapping it in lettuce they gave me the bread. I was definitely tempted to just eat but luckily I had lettuce at home so I just took off the bread and wrapped it myself. I kind of understand them messing up because my order is kind of weird, but everytime I go they mess it up so it's a little annoying. Last time they forgot to take off the cheese, but oh well. Soon I will be ordering regular burgers, or at least I might still have them wrapped in lettuce, but with everything else :)


I'm gearing up for Day 31. Dairy is first. It's my sister's birthday this week and for her birthday she wanted this really good cheese I had brought home from Holland last summer. They have a New York distribution center so shipping isn't completely horrible. Since I was getting her some, I bought myself some too so I have delicious dutch cheese that I'm looking forward too! I also miss my greek yogurt. 


I hope your weekend goes great girls! Gardengirl, we have almost just one day left! Are you kind of freaked out? I'm freaked out!

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I am excited that we all ( and I'm making an assumption that you will cruise through to the end, EsTher, since you are oh so close!) are. Asking it happen. I have been feeling EsTher's pain off and on through this experience, with overheating or eating when really not terribly hungry. Today was one of those days. I still felt weird this morning so had a small breakfast, but had a (gasp!) fruit and almond butter snack right before dinner- then rushed to eat dinner so it would be part of the meal! I really do look forward to not writing down each bite I take (although it has been a helpful tool) and trust that I can ride this bicycle with a new appreciation for and honor of my body. But I do know that some good dark chocolate will be introduced sometime in the next week!

I wish I had thought of a nice way to celebrate this milestone. Ideas?

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Carmen, overating is having way too more food that you can, I passed the moment that you are hungry long ago, but I keep putting food into my mouth. I don't want to list how many things I can it at a time, but trust me it is a LOT. And afterwards I feel terrible as you can imagine...


Anyway yesterday I did ok, but I had a terrible headache all day (like in the beginning of the program). I just woke up and feeling much better ! I am going to do some work now. 


Happy Day 30 for you. For sure you have to celebrate !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Gardengirl, if my relationship with food was "normal" I would celebrate going to a nice restaurant that have one of my favorite meals, BUT considering my issues (I am not sure I can do that without loosing control)  I would treat myself with anything non related to food: a nice dress? manicure & pedicure? YOU DESERVE SOMETHING FOR YOURSELF !!!

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Oh no, I'm sorry EsTher! I hope that whole 30 helps fix this relationship, at least a little bit. I've been having headaches too! They have only been at work though, so that might figure into it. Also, I'm getting pretty bad allergies which has not been fun!


Gardengirl, go shopping! Or have a girls day. You can hit up some stores and get your nails done and go out for lunch! I think that would be a nice treat. Or buy your favorite food! For me, I brought home some bagels from work to eat over the week. I got my favorite, cheddar jalapeno that I can't wait for. It's been killing me to look and sell them throughout this month knowing that I don't get any.


Yay for today being the last day! I know that we aren't supposed to weigh ourselves until after if we want, however, I'm at my mom's tonight and am leaving first thing for the airport tomorrow so today was the only day I could weigh myself to see the change. I lost 14 lbs! I'm so happy! I did not even realize how much weight I lost. I don't think I'm ever going to be whole365, but I think from now on I'll try to do whole 9 every month or two months, and try to incorporate whole 30 compliant meals into my diet regularly. I'm looking forward to reintro! We are all almost there! EsTher, happy Day 22! You have less than one whole 9 left! You are almost to your last week!!

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YOU MADE GIRLS ! Congratulations  :D  :D  :D  It was great to share this with you ! I will keep going as far as I can, hopefully to the end and more. 


Carmen those are amazing results !!! 14 lbs!!! It is really good. 


Gardengirl, hope you find a great way to celebrate. 

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Happy day 23 to you, EsTher!  And congratulations, Carmen!  I was feeling a bit "off" yesterday.  This has been a more cerebral then physical experience this time around.  Lots of contemplating the whole "why" behind the large portion sizes and the role snacking plays in my life (which really begs the question of what emotion are you really feeling right now, and how do you want to manage and express - or even recognize-it?).  I feel like I did the "food part" well, but not perhaps the spirit of Whole 9 in terms of challenging myself to really limit the items on the plate.... even if they are just vegetables.  I guess I'm saying that I'd like to (maybe in W30 #3?  ... or maybe while on my proverbial bicycle) really begin to respect and listen to my body and provide both the food and moving that it needs to help me with the next half century!


All in all, I lost weight (3 pounds, but I don't really have lots ot lose), my clothes fit much better, my hair isn't falling out, I'm calm throughout the day, energy is good and I have a sense of confidence that I'm treating myself much better!  I am taking a few days before intentionally reintroducing anything; mostly because I haven't yet thought it through.  I may take their recommendations and do it in that order (legumes, dair, non gluten grains....).  OR... just try out some dark chocolate!?!


Congratuations to all- I'll continue to check in with you, EsTher!

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Congratulations on finishing Gardengirl! I'm glad that you felt you did well and have ideas to improve for the next one! I'm not sure when the next whole 30 will be for me. I've been super busy with school so it was pretty difficult setting time aside to cook. Maybe when school is over in December I will start again!


I introduced dairy today. I had some cheese in the morning and some ice cream during lunch time. Unfortunately because I have allergies I can't tell if it's clogging me up or not. I feel fine though! No stomach aches or anything. I do feel a little bloated though, but my period is about to start so that could be part of it too. I was definitely excited to eat cheese but the excitement wore off. It was good, but not as good as I imagined. I think that it will be easier now to eat more whole 30 foods which is nice. I think that during this whole 30 I wasn't great about following the template. I'm going to be better about that the next time through for sure!


But overall, I feel happier, more focused, skinnier, healthier, and my skin is glowing. I'm also super excited that I've moved a lot closer to my goal weight. I definitely still have weight to lose, but whole 30 jumpstarted the process for me! I also feel like my body is starting to crave what it had been used to eating during whole 30. I think it will be easier to eat right now which makes me super excited!!


Happy Day 23 EsTher! I know you can make it to the end! You have just about one week left! You can seriously start counting down days now! You can even start looking at your reintro and figuring out what to do there. It might get you excited and motivate you to get to the end! 

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Hi girls, here.. trying to be strong to the end and more. I am not thinking about the week, left as I am just planning to keep going but not getting stressed about it - for sure my plan is being away from grains at least... just day by day for me !


I had a good weekend, I even put some time to look for recipes and try a couple (which is a huge achievement for me). And yesterday I went for a 2 hours "fast" walk (my legs are sore now haha).


I hope this week at work is not so bad... Today I have a work lunch at the office, I have more or less a plan to stay on track so hopefully everything goes how I planned. And then the rest of the week should be fine. I will also try to go to the gym (I have not been since... I don´t even remember!!)


Anyways, have a happy reintroduction week !!!!

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Good for you, sore EsTher!  I am always surprised at my own awareness at how good moving the old body can be.. and how it promotes better sleep, peace of mind and (ahem) other "movements!"  It sounds like you are in a Whole30 groove- keep up with the cooking and trying new recipes, as that is often the tricky part as you near the end of the 30.  I am certainly thinking that I am "half done" and keeping with the new awareness as the reindroduction phase moves along.  I hadn't intended to add anything yesterday, but ended up eating rice noodles with the Pad Thai (from theclothesemakethe girl) with includes her *awesome* sunshine sauce.  I could bathe in that stuff- it's so good! 

As you can see, Carmen and I are still with you- keep it up!  :)

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Dairy seems to have gone well. I feel fine again. I'm a little sore, but I'm attributing that to swimming yesterday. I had some cereal this morning which was good! If anything, I just feel a little more bloated than usual. I'm hoping I don't have any bad reactions to food. It's going to be hard to gear more towards whole 30 food until I get back home next week. 


EsTher, sometimes day by day was all I could manage during the process. I would think about days left and start to get a little overwhelmed. However, you are super close and can totally finish this thing! You have put so much work into this, and can definitely make it through! Yay for new food recipes! I hope you enjoy them and I hope they help get you through. I hope your work lunch goes well! Happy day 24!!!

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Thank you for being there! Lunch was okay... although the only thing I could have was chicken. The rest was non compliant. I spent almost an hour fighting for not eating cheese and other things that were on the table... it made me feel very overwhelmed.


After that, I had too much work at the office so I ended up leaving at 9:30 pm.. so my gym plans were screwed up as well. Anyway, that is a normal work day for me... 8 am to 8 pm at least, with lost of stress moments. And many times I have food for comfort... I had more for dinner than I should (compliant but including a bunch of walnuts!!), and I am now in bed, happy because the day is over.


have a great day tomorrow!!!

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I'm sorry EsTher! I hope that today is better than yesterday and that you get to go to the gym! Happy Day 25! You have made it so incredibly far!


Today I had a muffin for breakfast. I will see how it goes. I still haven't introduced any soy or legumes. I've just had some dairy and so far a little bit of grains, but so far that has been good which is nice. I don't feel as bloated as I did yesterday, just a little tired, but I've been pretty busy. So far I haven't really experienced any negative effects, but it's also hard to tell. My allergies have been pretty bad the last week and a half, so I can't really tell if dairy is clogging me up or not. 


Overall, reintro has gone well. It is still hard for me to tell myself that I can have the things I'm eating, but it's nice to not have to worry about preparing meals as much. The hardest thing for me during whole 30 was setting aside time to cook. I feel like I have more time now to study and get other stuff done which I've definitely needed.

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Carmen, it's good that you are feeling good with the reintro !! And also very good that you have more time, cooking time is definitely hard to get for me. 


Today was just ok... again I ate too much for dinner. Something came up at work and I have to travel tomorrow, and stay overnight till Friday with two other people. I don't have to say what that means for the program ! I will be again so stressed out about how I will handle it.


I will not probably be around for that reason till the weekend so I will let you know how it goes. I will try my best but I am just ready to quit... for several reasons! I am SO tired of everything...

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Ah, the "so tired of everything" means that you are indeed near the very end... and the beginning of so much more!  I can't imagine working the kind of hours you work!  The hours alone (not including any work stress) would impact anyone's ability to sail through life!  Since you have dedicated so many successful hours and days to being W30 compliant, I hope that it remains so for the next few days.  I KNOW  you have it in you!!  Hey, you won the fight with the cheese!  :)

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I definitely agree with Gardengirl. I struggled a lot, more towards than end throughout whole 30 than during any other part. WIth that said, I was so happy when I finally completed whole 30. I really believe that you can do it EsTher! You have put so much into the program already that I know you can stick it out until the end. I applaud you enormously. I have no idea how you have been able to manage so far with your crazy work schedule. You are amazing and wonderful and can make it through!

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