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finished three weeks ago... here goes round 2


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I miss Whole30. I miss the structure and not having to make decisions about what treats I'm allowed, and how many, and how often. I miss how organized I was, and how organized my kitchen was. My boyfriend and I are starting round 2 tomorrow.

While I haven't been eating complete crap all the time since finishing, my bread and sugar intake has dramatically increased. And I've noticed every single time I eat bread that I feel decidedly less pleasant. Stomachaches, headaches, sluggish... the usual cast. Same for dairy. And chocolate. It's pretty immediate.

We've been doing crossfit for a month now, and will be continuing that 3x/week.

I'm looking forward to part two!

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It's been pretty easy so far. The only thing I'm noticing is that I sleep like a rock, but don't feel rested when I wake up. It's been about 6.5 hours of sleep for the post two nights (have to work at 5am), so not quite enough, but not so little to justify this exhaustion.

Planning on finishing my weekend cooking today. I'm very torn between loving the process of cooking and it feeling like a massive chore. Oh well.

Keep pushin'....

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Well, I've caught the death plague.  Augh.  Still trying to eat clean (very glad I cooked a bunch on Saturday), but I'm fairly certain Nyquil isn't Whole30 Approved.  Being sick makes me crave carbs.  I want pancakes.

Also just applied for a new apartment... this is very exciting.  Already planning how to manage our new kitchen in a clean, healthy, happy, organized way.    

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I screwed up yesterday and ended up eating a piece of chocolate cake.  It was the best chocolate cake I've had in ages, at least for the first half.  It left me feeling pretty awful.


But then I went to CrossFit and did an awesome WOD that thoroughly kicked my butt and left me re-energized and re-motivated.  The coach said, while I was mid-burpee, "Every time I see you, you're stronger. Keep going!" That kind of reassurance feels so good.  That piece of cake will not be my undoing.


So we're back on.  There's an music festival on the 23rd of March that my boyfriend and I have been planning to go since before Christmas, and we bought the VIP tickets that include drinks, so in 24 days I'm going to drink; but the next 24 days are going to be clean and happy.  


I intend to go for a run this afternoon, and then spend some time cooking some of the stuff I've been collecting in my freezer.  I think I need to challenge myself to not go into a grocery store for a week; we could probably eat healthy and plenty for a month with all the food I have stored, frozen, canned, etc.  


Speaking of which - I think my next project will be learning how to can vegetables.  My roommate, boyfriend, and I are joining a CSA this summer and it'd be fun to preserve that summer goodness for next winter.

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