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Starting Ash Wednesday


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I just finished the book. I convinced my mom to read it and we will be starting together on Ash Wednesday. It was before I finished that I convinced her though and I am concerned she might change her mind. She has rheumatoid arthritis. It wasn't until the very end of the book when I realized her whole 30 is more strict than I let on. How important is the difference between the standard W30 and the AI W30? Will she be wasting her efforts to do the original with me?


Also I am wondering about vegetarian options. Fridays in Lent should be meat free.  Would  it be okay to just skip the meat on those days? How does anyone with more experience at this handle religious obligations like that?



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on whole30 vs AutoImmune protocol, we usually recommend doing a "standard" one first. Many people get great results with that alone, and, it also helps getting accustomed to this way of eating without jumping into even more restriction right away. Once your mom has completed the first 30 days, she should have an easier time going on the AutoImmune protocol if that is what she wants to do.


on no meat on Fridays, this should not be a problem at all. Eggs at all three meals would be fine, but doesn't Lent allow fish as well? If that's the case you should have plenty of protein variety. I often have sardines and eggs (baked together with shallot, garlic, capers, sometimes parsley or mushrooms) on Fridays, although it is less for religious reasons but more for "I've run out of fresh groceries" reasons.  :)

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I have a 39 yr old female relative who had TREMENDOUS relief from Rheumatoid Arthritis when she eliminated GLUTEN! That was 6 years ago. Within a few months of being GF, she was taken off ALL her prescription meds and now takes only OTC pain meds. I encourage your mom to do the W30 and hopefully she will have similar results!

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Thanks to all of you.  I don't know why I didn't think of eggs or fish.  I guess years of cheese pizza Fridays during lent have me trained to think that way.


As for my mom I talked to her about it and shared your opinions.  She's going to finish the book then decide.


Thanks again.  I am looking forward to my start date.



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