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Fell Right Off the Wagon


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Hi all,

I was sooooo good my first five days of this challenge. I bought a food processor, crockpot, & all the right foods.

Unfortunately, after a bad experience with a 13 mile long run (recap found here), I had to have some Gatorade & Gu to help me through it.

It was off to Michigan where my whole family was renting a cabin to share. I was there for two days & there was literally nothing I could really eat... peel the skin off some fried chicken, watermelon, grains, grains, grains. Honestly, I didn't beat myself up about it... I literally ate three hot dogs without the buns & it did absolutely nothing for me... I was still ravishingly hungry. The amount of activity I had done (13 mile run, swimming in Lake Michigan, walking up and down many steps, walking in the sand, etc.) could not be fueled on some nuts I had brought & hot dogs alone.

This is just me fessing up. I'm not mad at myself. I took a lot of the right steps, but in a situation like that it is hard to eat Paleo & I don't feel it would have been in proper taste to throw a stink about what I can & cannot be eating... I'd literally be the only person there.

Needless to say, I'm back at it today. I did have half a can of Coke Zero (slappppp), but I am doing the best I can. I'm using this more as a guideline & less of a 30 day challenge. I want these changes for life & they're going to take time & not happen over night.

So, here is to all of you who might have fallen off the wagon recently or are starting again after a long spell of eating the "old way" again. My first 5 days on Paleo has taught me that WOW, processed foods leave me feeling less full & always wanting more.

Happy Eating!

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It's all good. You did the best you could in the situation. Now you know what to do next time. And that might mean bringing enough compliant food to get you through and feed you well while you are there.

The more important thing is that you are committed to getting back to it now that you are home and in control. Good for you! I just read your blog-nice job! :) I hope your training continues to improve as you slay your sugar demons and figure out what works for you. I'm starting a new round of training next Monday-I ran my best half marathon in the spring after 3 months of scheduled training with various friends and running groups. I learned that I cannot rely on just me to get my butt out there, but if I am committed to meet someone, I'll go. And I never regretted going! Our next big race is the Bay State Half in October. And it WILL be better than the last one!

Good luck jumping back on the wagon and training! What grade do you teach? I'm a teacher too-I know a lot of teachers who are also runners....hmmmmm, I wonder why? ;)


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Colleen! So funny we have some stuff in common :)

I teach preschool! How about yourself?

I know we will be able to get this fueling strategy down at some point right?! Good luck in your training & thanks so much for reading my blog :)

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I have taught grades 6 and 7, math and science, for the last ten years. Our school loops, so I'd get the kiddos as sixth graders and keep them through 7th grade. Next year I am starting a new job as a math specialist and will be working with students in grades 5-8 who need extra support/remediation in math. I'm looking forward to the change-it was time for something new, and I'm not ready to put my M.Ed in Administration to good use yet...not sure I want to take that leap and become a Principal!

Preschool is fun-I started my teaching as a Pre-K and Kindergarten teacher. They are such snugglebugs at that age! And they love you...unlike middle schoolers! :P

I had an awesome 5K Trail Race tonight-felt great! I think I'm on my way to figuring out what/when to eat before runs. For me, I need to make sure I'm getting the healthy fats in-definitely getting the carbs via vegetables. Keep me posted about your training and fueling!


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