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Missing the guard rails


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I successfully completed my first Whole30 last month and felt great! But more importantly, not only did I feel good but my A1C dropped which is great news for a pre-diabetic. So one would logically think that would be enough motivation to control my eating choices/selections but my snacking has been out-of-control. I do great at meals but my sugar dragon rears its ugly head in the evenings for for whatever reason and I'm unable to resist! I can't say no.


I am truly missing the guardrails of the Whole30 program that kept me in line!! I knew that I would do the program Whole30 2x a year and was originally planning for September time frame. However, I'm thinking I need to do this sooner so I don't spiral too far.


Any other suggestions or should I just jump into another 30 days since I obviously didn't learn how to control the dragon last time around...

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Practice makes perfect.  There's no reason you shouldn't do another if you feel you need to regain control.  But this time do some introspection before it's over.  I spent the last week of my first W30 planning all the 'forbidden' things I was going to have when it was over.  I was still in the old 'diet mindset' from years of disordered eating.  My way of thinking was that no eating program was a lifestyle, it was something to jump on and jump off again when I'd reached my short-term goal.  I'm almost two years in, and I rarely feel the desire for any of that crap any more. 


This time give some thought to why you made the poor choices you did when it was over.  It doesn't have to be a world with no limits.  You can keep any restrictions you wish.  In 2013, alcohol, legumes, and artificial sweeteners/diet sodas were never allowed back in my diet.  2014's goal is to add corn, wheat, and soy to the 'permanently gone' list.  I know I couldn't have deleted everything at once.  That would have led to a monumental fail.  But a year of success on a couple of things left me feeling more capable of making further permanent changes.  I am having an easier time resisting pizza and such.  With wheat off the table, I am leaving myself the option to find a gluten-free pizza if I really desire one, but most of the time the limited choice and limited access, never mind the limited texture and flavor, make the choice not worth it.


Baby steps.  Pick one or two of your worst offenders, the things that make you the unhealthiest, and just start with keeping them off the table.  A few months of success and improved health may lead you to attempt to restrict a couple more.

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I had the same experience.  The sugar cravings never totally went away and the first post-30 week I made a lot of bad choices.  So I self imposed most of the whole 30 rules back into my eating.  I do better when I have rules :)  I felt it was a little unrealistic to think that I could completely change all my 45 year old naughty habits after 30 days.  I learned a lot during that time, but I need more time with rules and guides to solidy those new eating habits.

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Well....hard to explain.  Technically, no, I didn't do another whole 30.  It was more like a whole 14.  I started one because I went nuts the first post 30 week and felt like I had lost control.  But then after a couple weeks of eating right, I found that I settled down and was eating well again. 


I planned the changes I was going to make (instead of just going 'off diet' and not having a plan at all like I did before.)  I put half and half in my tea in the morning now.  And I have a couple beers on the weekends.  So strictly speaking, I'm not whole 30 compliant.  But in general, I'm keeping most of the rules.  I just do better that way.  I don't have very good will power when it comes to moderation.  So if I eat one girl scout cookie, I end of eating a whole bunch!  It's just better for me to not eat any at all...get them out of the house.  It really helps that my husband is on board as well.  So together we are able to continue to eat really clean.


I think part of the whole 30 is learning about yourself.  What your strength and weaknesses are.  My weakness is moderation.  I can't have one or two and stop.  I'm better at just going without.  Maybe with time, I'll get better at having only a small bite or two when I make unhealthy choices.  But for now, I'm not quite ready to leap totally off the wagon with no safety net!

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Ah yes - moderation seems to be my weakness as well (your comment about the girl scout cookies made me laugh out loud b/c I had a recent issue eating tons of thin mints that were on our admins desk at work - glad they are gone now)l!! I'm getting ready to do another whole30 and plan to focus on introspect and how I'll enter the re-intro period. 


I'm actually looking forward to it! 



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