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Having flirted with paleo, it's time to start


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I was first introduced to paleo by my friend last year. Did fine for a while then it was on again off again. A couple of weeks ago I caught sight of something named the Whole30. And so here I am.

I am mother to 5 children, self employed and work irregular hours. I am a doula so I can't predict where I will be at any time.

I live in the UK so I may ask what seems like obvious questions, and there may well be many questions.

Why am I doing this? Well I am fed up of the tight band feeling around my middle and I noticed that different physical symptoms, like inflamed hands each morning, disappeared each time I cut out wheat etc. I'm reading 'It starts with food' and I want to reset my body and eating habits and would love to lose the 'pregnant' belly. My youngest are 10 after all. I will mostly need help with packed lunches. I am not a big salad fan, so please do encourage me with some fab ones.

That'll do, or you will work out that I am a chatterbox.


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Mars, I agree! Lunch is the most difficult. I'm also self employed with an unpredictable schedule (real estate) that's not conducive to knowing when lunch will be or if I'll be in the car starving at any time. Bags of snow peas or bell peppers work for me if I only remember to grab them. Or hard boiled eggs. I'll let you know if I discover a non salad, delicious, portable life saver.

Is a Doula like a midwife?

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My advice would be to keep ready to go meals all packed up in your fridge and maybe keep a high quality cooler in the trunk of your car. Preparation is key here. A word of encouragement is that after a week or two of eating this way I noticed that missing a meal time no longer made me stop functioning. Used to be if it was an hour past lunch I would get shaky and irrational, now I'm really hungry but I can still function until I can get food in my system. 

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Thank you for your warm welcomes.


bethb - kinda.  Only doulas (certainly in the UK) don't do anything medical or clinical.  I'm so blessed doing this work.  Love it!


Physlbeth - if only that were possible.  I have a 21 year old and a 10 year son.  They devour everything that isn't locked down. lol.  But you're right.  Preparation is the key.  I've downloaded the nom nom paleo app and have started filling the shopping list, so I'm going to look there and here for packed meals.  I need stuff that can last up to 40 hours (not many of the labours that I attend last that long).

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