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Sugar Queen x)


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Okay. So I actually had my day one on 3/5 within 12 hrs had a migraine that was trying to bury me in a shallow grave. It wasn't caffeine because the next day I had a cup of coffee and the migraine continued. By day three I was in tears. The whole time all I really wanted was sugar. I didn't care how or why but I was willing to eat it from a bag. So I had a few dates...and lots of pills. On Saturday morning it was over I had a coke and for the first time my head felt better. So I tried again over the weekend and again it was a no no.

So I'm back on the horse again starting tomorrow and hoping that my head doesn't get the best of me. I am amazed at how much sugar my body is accustomed to. Here is hoping that I can figure out what to tame the sugar dragon with before it consumes me...

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Sorry about the difficult starts!  Have you considering reducing the sugar part of your eating more gradually while employing some of the W30 template ..... then starting the W30 with some experience in managing some difficult pieces (e.g. eating by the template, not  snacking, but allowing some sugar before beginning so the system isn't so shocked)?  this is just a guess on my part.

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Thanks for the responses I am going to try cold turkey one more time. After this if I can't manage the pain I will wean myself off before jumping in again. My body always surprises me with what it craves... I thought the pasta/bread/rice would be harder

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