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Fabulous impromptu meal


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So, I was down to the dregs in my fridge at the end of week two since I do my shopping and cooking on Saturday. I was concerned I might have an emergency sardines and sauerkraut dinner, but I ended up with one of my favorite meals so far and thought I'd share:


I whipped up NomNom's cracklin chicken with some thighs I'd defrosted this afternoon before an appointment and let them sit on the counter so they'd be ready when I got home. So, I had my protein figured out.


I had chopped the tail ends of my leftover red and green cabbage last night to have it prepped for my breakfast saute and half an onion from this morning. Drained most of the chicken fat from the cast iron skillet that had cooked the cracklin chicken and sauteed the onion and cabbage in that salty fatty deliciousness. Tossed in chopped chicken thighs to warm through.


Plated it, added some kimchee and a few spoonsful of WF2 belly dance beet salad leftover from earlier in the week, and voila! A truly wonderful blend of sweet, savory, salty, and sour with a nice unctuous mouth feel.

I love happy creative accidents, don't you? Sometimes an end-of-the week meal challenge is a good thing!


A nice reminder that W30 doesn't have to be hard.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I love creative accidents too! I am on day two of The Whole 30 but have been eating mostly paleo the past few weeks! I never thought of cooking red cabbage for breakfast but I am going to have to try that! Thanks for the idea. I will look up the beet salad as well! I love beets.

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Oh man, LadyM, that sounds amazing!! I'm still surprised at what I can throw together in just a simple egg + whatever-veggies-I-have-on-hand scramble. Though, I need to up my game a little in the kitchen as I'm getting really sick of the same old veggies + egg scramble. I bought Well Fed when I started the Whole30- I just need to get in there and make the stuff!

Thanks for the motivation!

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