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What's your reintroduction story?

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Hi all, 


Please ease my mind, what's your introduction story, I'm curious. So far I've only retinroduced gluten free foods and that's not been in the least bit fun. I really don't want to do the rest. Also, without grains in my body for a month, even if I wasn't allergic, wouldn't I react somehow or only if my body was sensitive/intolerant? 


I would love to hear your stories? Were you allergic to non gluten, gluten, dairy, legumes? Wine? Sugar? Anything else? 

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When reintroducing foods you haven't had for 30+ days, you will only react if your body is sensitive/intolerant.  Here is a recent post by Melissa that goes into detail on this phenomenon. 


Regarding reintroductions, you only need to reintroduce the food groups you're curious about (in terms of your physical/psychological reaction), or that you want to eat again. 

For me personally, I was already gluten-free for 6+ years before I did my Whole30 last year, after being tested as gluten-sensitive. So I did not reintroduce gluten - no need - I already know it's not my friend. I chose not to reintroduce soy, as I felt it was messing with my hormones. No need to ingest that again. I did reintroduce everything else. From that, I learned/confirmed that dairy makes my stomach hurt and non-gluten grains and legumes make me gassy and bloated.  As a result, I no longer keep any of those items in my house. I will only eat non-gluten grains, legumes or dairy when dining out or at someone's house in rare situations, if it's something unique or special.

I have wine with far less frequency than I did pre-Whole30. Didn't have a bad reaction to it, but feel it caused weight gain/stomach bloat. 

I have only quality dark chocolate sporadically.

I didn't do a sugar reintroduction, per se. In fact, Melissa says a sugar reintro day isn't necessary. Details here.

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Within 30 minutes of eating gluten, I get symptoms like I'm coming down with a head cold: congestion, headache, groggy feeling, sore/swollen-feeling throat. Too much sugar makes my anxiety really bad and keeps me from sleeping well. Those are the only very obvious reactions I've had. I'm going to embark on an autoimmune protocol for my psoriasis though and really pay a lot more attention to how things like dairy, soy, nightshades, eggs, and nuts and seeds affect my psoriasis, because none of them have an obvious affect on my gut (meaning they don't make me bloated or gassy or have stomach cramps, but any or all of them could be contributing to a leaky gut and an unnecessary immune response and causing my psoriasis)

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