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HELP!! Not eating enough?

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I am happily trucking along on this beautiful journey that is Whole30 but I have one concern. I am far too often not eating as much as is suggested. It doesn't leave me hungry, it doesn't cause me to snack or contemplate off plan eating. When I started I loaded my plates with steaksand eggs tons of vegetables fats and fruits but now I just don't have the desire to eat that much. I have to drag myself to the kitchen at times and after making a wonderfully balanced whole30 meal (there are three of us in the house on the plan) I often don't have the desire to eat it. (This happened also when not on the plan, after I cook, I guess I'm just over the whole meal so eating it isn't something I care to do). I always cook new things some meals I have never even had before but I just don't feel like eating them. Sometimes I will make myself eat at least the protein and bites of the other groups. I am on the heavier side (over 200lbs 5'2" ) and I want optimal weight loss and benefits from the whole30. Am I putting my success in jeopardy? Do I really need to make myself eat a complete meal? I am only on day 8 and have already grown tired of eating so much at every meal. Again, I have no problem staying working the 'restrictions' of the plan, just following it when it comes to amounts.

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If you do not eat at least the minimum suggested in the meal template, your metabolism will remain so slow that you will find it almost impossible to lose weight. Eating regularly is critical to getting your hormones to the place where you can lose weight. In your case, eating only when you feel like is probably not going to work. 

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I am athletic and slender, and did my first Whole30 because I knew I had a serious sugar addiction. I didn't have any weight to lose and I didn't go into it for that.


As a runner, I was able to eat lots of sugar (the rest of my diet was pretty good, lots of salads and vegetables, grass-fed/pastured meats) and not gain weight.


But my afternoon slump felt awful and I felt out of control, eating junk I didn't even LIKE just because someone brought it into the office.


I was always a big eater. And even I sometimes felt like my meal-template-following meals were too big. But I ate them, because when I didn't finish it all I got hungry before my next meal.


The bottom line? Not only did I feel incredible, I LOST 8 LBS.


So trust in the plan!

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I totally get the cooking and losing your appetite thing.  Sometimes I'll begin a meal with a growl in a my belly, and 45 minutes later when I'm plating the dish I've been smelling it for so long I'm kind of satiated. Also, the physical activity of running around the kitchen signals that it's workout time not eating time.  I remember in Well Fed Melissa said she would do a big cook up on the weekends so when it's time to eat she has minimal things to do.  Maybe you could try that this weekend, and see if you have more of an appetite next week?

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Thanks so much guys, eating right sometimes means stepping out of your comfort zone. Im going to work hard to make sure I'm doing this RIGHT!

Btw, lunch was a success, a LARGE salad with everything, spinach, arugula, radicchio, broccoli, peppers, cucumbers, tomatoes,... And my dressing was 1/2 an avocado, juice from both 1/2 a lemon and 1/2 an orange, coconut oil and some salt and pepper. I had it with some orange roughy seasoned with orange and lemon juice and salt and pepper.

I was very full and I think I nailed it. I could add a dish of fruit with some coconut milk (I'm addicted to that stuff) if that would be better.

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Deanna, I too, am at the stage now where I am having trouble finishing my meals. But it's happened more than once now that (just as ultrarunnergirl experienced too) if I don't eat everything on my plate, I get hungry WAY before my next meal. And if that means that I didn't eat enough at dinner, it means that I'll wake up in the middle of the night with low blood sugar.


So I am finishing my meal even if I feel "full" with less.


Steady on ;)

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