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Baby Shower Food


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I am helping host a baby shower and am having trouble coming up with a food that won't look out of place at the shower, but that will be compliant with the Whole30. (I will be on Day 19 on the date of the shower.)


The rest of the menu will be chicken salad on croissants, fruit + dip, veggies + dip, lemon cake, and chocolate chip cookie brownies. I would love to be able to eat something more substantial than just fruit and veggies while I'm there, but I don't want to call attention to the dish by having it look out of place. Any ideas? 


Thank you! 

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There are three ways you can approach this - bring your own meal to the shower, bring a protein you can share, or eat ahead of time.


Personally I feel if I'm going to bring my own food I might as well share.  meatballs with a dipping sauce (could be a simple marinara sauce), proscuitto wrapped dates (or figs), deviled eggs would work well too.  Try to have fun with it.


If you want to bring your own meal - maybe duplicate a chicken salad with compliant ingriedients - as so not to bring too much attention to yourself.


In a pinch if you are hungry you can bring a lara bar (I do not relying on these but they work in an emergency)

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Are you making the chicken salad croissants? If so, it would be easy to just make the chicken salad compliant (really all you'd need to do is use compliant mayo, probably) and keep the chicken salad and croissants separate. The deviled eggs are also a great idea.

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