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Cholesterol numbers high again!!

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So I started W30 last April and after a month or so I had my cholesterol taken-it was high but I just started the program. I have since been on the program 95% since being super strict mid summer. I recently had my cholesterol taken again and it has gotten higher! Total at 262, HDL 99, LDL 149, chol/HDL ratio 2.6 and triglicerides 71.

When I first started, I was concerned but I though it would even out. Now I am really concerned. Should I be???

Overall I feel great on this plan and would hate to have to reduce eggs as they are my go to breakfast etc-I eat 4 a day(not all at once).

I will change my diet long before I take meds..they are wicked.

FYI-I am otherwise super healthy with low BP(100/60 yesterday) and try to exercise daily with cardio/weights etc.

thanks guys!

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The key there is the Cholesterol/HDL ratio. Anything below 5 is good. Yours is excellent. Also your Triglycerides are lower than your HDL, also great. Don't sweat the total number, it's meaningless. Your numbers are almost the same as mine. My doctor freaked out too, but I told her the ratios were great and with my diet and other factors (I also have naturally low BP) I'm not concerned. So she agreed to 'watch' it going forward.


I'm sure Tom will put up his links for discussion about cholesterol. They are great links, read them and you will feel better.

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Mayo Clinic says "You can calculate your cholesterol ratio by dividing your high-density lipoprotein (HDL, or "good") cholesterol into your total cholesterol. For example, if your total cholesterol is 200 milligrams per deciliter (mg/dL) (5.2 millimoles per liter, or mmol/L) and your HDL cholesterol is 50 mg/dL (1.3 mmol/L), your cholesterol ratio is 4-to-1. According to the American Heart Association, the goal is to keep your cholesterol ratio 5-to-1 or lower. An optimum ratio is 3.5-to-1. A higher ratio indicates a higher risk of heart disease; a lower ratio indicates a lower risk."  Your Total Cholesterol to HDL ratio would be 262/99 = 2.65 which is excellent.  See http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/high-blood-cholesterol/expert-answers/cholesterol-ratio/faq-20058006



Furthermore, it is now believed that the ratio of triglycerides to HDL is a much better predictor of heart disease.  Ideal is anything below 2.  Your ratio would be below 1 (71/99 = .72), so that is an EXCELLENT result.  See http://www.yourmedicaldetective.com/public/523.cfm

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I agree with all of the above, and I have also read that bad cholesterol numbers are more an indication of inflammation in the body than dietary saturated fat or cholesterol - just more reason to eat this way! Be proud of your accomplishment!

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