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Stomach Pain and No Appetite

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Last Saturday and actually for several days during the week, I have had aching stomach pain-like evenings a few hours after dinner and mornings before breakfast. I am on day 10. Yesterday I had no appetite at all but I did have lunch and supper -lunch was two eggs and veggies (broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, zucchini sautéed in olive oil) and supper was roasted chicken breast with a sweet potato. I did not have any fruit or nuts yesterday until around 11 pm. I ate a banana -not because I was hungry, but because I thought it might ease my tummy. Well, I woke up with pain again. I also have problems with diarrhea. Please don't post the two articles on probiotics and digestive enzymes. I've read them. I can't seem to figure out which I need. I cannot stand fermented food (except for yogurt which I know is out).  Why would I be having these problems with a "clean" diet when I never had them before? I did eat meat before so its not my body being "unused" to meat.

So, as far as digestive enzymes and probiotics: If anyone feels that I need these, which should I start with? and where can I get them (I don't really want to order them-I'm needing relief!). Do you think my local Sprouts store might have something I could take? Also, I just had a 10 hour night of sleep (extremely rare! but my hubby took my kids shopping for mother's day so I had a quiet house and had no idea it was so late). I still feel tired even with the 10 hour night of sleep. I am not ill (I'm a nurse) so I'm sure I don't have a virus and I know I don't have food poisoning. Any thoughts? Anything it could be besides the need for digestive enzymes or probiotics? And If I need those things, why haven't I noticed any of those issues before? I have been on elimination diets before. Any thoughts?


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The first two weeks of the Whole30 were hard on me. Some stomach pain and a general feeling of tiredness. I don't remember my bowel performance. Things just got better for me as I entered the third week. 


I assume your recent meals are different than what you were eating before... more of some foods, none of others. The shift can make issues come to the surface. You are probably eating more veggies than you did before. I see that you are eating your veggies cooked. That is good because raw veggies are harder to digest. Maybe you are eating more meat? That might create some difference for digestion. You may be eating a lot more fat than before. Some people have trouble digesting fat and that could cause some GI distress.


Sprouts or a good health food store should have probiotics and they may have digestive enzymes. I like ordering from Amazon.com because they are typically a lot cheaper. Probiotics are good generally all the time. If you won't eat sauerkraut, kimchi, fermented pickles, or kombucha, a probiotic pill would be useful to setup the ideal conditions for digestion. Digestive enzymes are a no downside experiment. They won't hurt if you don't need them and they can help a lot if you are missing something useful in your gut bacteria. 


Some people are vulnerable to diarrhea when they change their diet. Our bodies have an amazing ability to adjust to changes, but sometimes it takes a while. It is fine to use OTC diarrhea meds to gain control quickly. 

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Thanks for the reply. I am eating more veggies than before. I remember now that the day before yesterday I had a salad at Jason's Deli (I did not order the meat on the side because their chicken is not compliant-I had my own which I brought along). I had a huge raw salad of spinach, romaine, spring greens, carrots, cucumber, zucchini, tomatoes, mushrooms- all topped with vinegar and evoo (just a little). I also had a very small (two tablespoons maybe) serving of their nuts and dried fruit (it has no peanuts-just walnuts, various seeds, raisins, dried cherries). Maybe all the raw veggies irritated my gut. But this is what I would normally eat at Jasons- except prior to whole30 I would have ranch dressing with it and a side of chicken salad.  Are all pickles fermented? I like pickles. I will buy some probiotics today. I wrote down some of the tips from the article regarding which ones. Will they start helping right away?

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(do you mean baby cucumbers? - we call them gherkins or cornichons here in UK)


Tom is referring to lacto-fermented cucumbers, which have probiotic benefits. These will be in the cold case in the grocery store and clearly labeled as fermented. Most pickles are not lacto-fermented, so would not benefit you in this way. Also read labels carefully. Many pickles have sugar.


If you are able to find them, or patient enough to make them, many different vegetables can be fermented and offer these benefits. I love fermented carrots with ginger. sauerkraut, traditionally prepared horseradish, and fermented beets are common.

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Thanks. I went out and found digestive enzymes at Sprouts. I took one before supper last night- not too much relieve. I stayed up late and had a "mini meal" around 9 and I had another before that meal. This morning I had one before breakfast. I am finally feeling some relief from the "acidy" stomach pain. I bought some probiotics-the brand recommended in the article which was posted. However, even though I thought I had read the label very carefully, when I got home I saw that it said "may contain trace amounts of soy". So now I'm afraid to take them. I don't know If I can handle anything fermented besides yogurt (I know yogurt is out). I don't like the taste of anything fermented (I don't even drink wine haha). So all of those foods probably wouldn't work for me. Maybe I'll get braver and try the pickles at some point. Thanks for all of the help.

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I'm glad you are feeling better.


On compliance for the whole30, what matters is the ingredients list. If there is no soy on the ingredients list you are ok, even if there is a label that says "may contain trace amounts of soy".

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