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May 12 Start Date


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This is my first day on Whole 30:) I have been diagnosed with an autoimmune disease and I'm so excited that I get to start a new journey on healing my body with food! I also have a few friends doing this with me so I'm not alone!!

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It is Day 8 for us all!  How is everyone going?


Weekend was tough (wine o'clock in particular!) but feeling ok again now.  Not feeling much different but just read the timeline and that seems to be pretty normal.  Getting a bit over all the cooking prep but luckily my husband does lots of it so its not all down to me!

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I'm feeling pretty good! Noticing a teeny difference in how my pants fit already. Breakfast remains my biggest challenge - still need to find some quick or make-ahead solutions but still allow for some variety (I essentially ate the same thing for breakfast four days last week). I've given up on coffee entirely. I'm just not enjoying it without my coconut sugar, and I even tried the Bulletproof Coffee + Immersion Blender to no avail. It's no big deal - I'll just stick with hot tea. I've navigated eating out at restaurants twice now, with good success. I'm sure there were probably teeny bits of "forbidden" things hiding there somewhere but it's kind of unavoidable. Sugar is probably what I'm missing most. Maybe cheese a little bit too.


Definitely appreciating the change in mindset this month will bring! Everything on my plate should have a reason to be there and not just be a "filler". As in..."I'm having rice because I can't think of anything else to have." I will certainly have a deeper appreciation for a wide variety of vegetables at the end of this process.

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One week hooray! (I started May 12th as well, but am a little late on this thread)


I second your feelings of looking forward to this changed mindset and keeping up Paleo/healthy habits after the 30 days. The boyfriend and i decided to stick with Paleo after the 30 days to keep on this healthy lifestyle and live forever. Plus we are both loving the sweet potato hash breakfasts with fried eggs in ghee. Feels so naughty, but its SO GOOD and good for us.


Pants are a bit looser here, the boyfriends pants are falling off. He's feeling better and healthier as am I. Finally got past the groggy, tired, feeling yucky stage and I am excited to see what more this month will bring.


Well done of these successes! Proud of us all!

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