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soy lecithin?


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Is it possible to have an immune reaction to soy lecithin? I didn't really eat any actual soy products pre whole 30, or any legumes really because they don't agree with my stomach. But I did consume products with soy lecithin. Since my whole 30 I've been eating dark chocolate chips sometimes but pretty much compliant otherwise except on my reintro days and I'm noticing an increasing amount of muscle pains/joint pain/aches the past few days. Could that be from the chocolate chips? 

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I have Hashimoto's thyroiditis, and I would swear that soy lecithin mucks about with my immune system.  It's hard for me to isolate, because soy lecithin is most often in foods that bother me for other reasons (sugar, dairy, etc.).  But I think it's a fair bet that soy lecithin does a number on the immune system, yes.

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My sister had thyroid cancer after becoming vegetarian and consuming massive amounts of soy products and my mom and her sister both have goiters so I would say our family is probably sensitive to soy. I stopped eating soy sauce/products with soy protein, peanut butter, beans, ect long before my whole 30 because it would really upset my stomach.


Everyone in this house has been sick non stop with colds since my 2nd or 3rd week of the whole 30, plus I have my period so it's really hard to tell what's making me feel awful. I might have to go whole 7 or whole 14 and then try again with everything (including chocolate chips I guess since it's really the only form of soy I would consume).

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 I might have to go whole 7 or whole 14 and then try again with everything (including chocolate chips I guess since it's really the only form of soy I would consume).


You can get chocolate chips without soy.  Enjoy Life is one brand that makes them.

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They sell the enjoy life ones at the grocery store near our house. My husband bought them a few times but they were really expensive (he eats about 5 pounds a week!!!) but I only eat a tiny bit at a time so they would last me a lot longer if I kept them hidden from him! They actually taste much better than the costco ones we buy (those are dairy free, but not soy free)

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It doesn't sound like soy lecithin is the cause of your family's illness - that's probably shared cups, shared toothpaste tubes, and shared hands/faces.


That said, taking out soy lecithin is probably a decent idea. 


Soy.  It's in everything.  Sheesh.

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No, the cold is because we've got a child in kindergarten and one in daycare! But the joint pain/body aches are unrelated and getting worse. I was thinking maybe it could be the cane sugar? Do people react to that? I've also been putting craisins on my salad sometimes since finishing and have eaten ketchup a couple times.

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