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Starting Today!


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My name is Emily and I am starting Whole30 today! I'm very excited, but I'm also very nervous. I went grocery shopping last night (with a list planned!) and bought only what was on my list. LOTS OF FOOD! I prepared a lot of it so it's easy to access and prepped meals for breakfast and lunch.


My mom is doing this with me and I helped her do the same last night, and for the first week, we'll be spending a lot of time together planning and prepping until we both get the hang of it.


I put a few recipes from It Starts With Food and Well Fed/Well Fed 2, but mostly, just keeping it simple the first week, so we don't get overwhelmed. Planning is so key and I'm glad I've taken the time to do so, since she and I both work full time.


I'm also keeping a journal for super detailed stuff and will put it on my blog after the challenge is complete. I'm realy nervous, but at the same time, I am so excited for my body to be healthy and to just feel better. I'm excited to stick to something that can change a lifetime of eating, instead of just for "bathing suit" season ;)


So thankful I ran accross the Whole30 program. WOO HOO

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