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Can I have Sesame Seeds?


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I know, I know, nuts and seeds are specifically approved, but during the marathon Paleo reading jag I've been on for the last three days, I've come across several places that say that sesame seeds contain lecithin, therefore, not paleo.


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I think the problem with sesame seeds is that they're high in omega 6 fatty acids and are oxidation-prone but generally sesame seeds and oil are consumed in small amounts so in moderation they're ok but I'm interested in what others have to say!

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Wikipedia says, "Lecithin is a generic term to designate any group of yellow-brownish fatty substances occurring in animal and plant tissues..." So there is a yellow-brown fatty substance in sesame seeds, but that would be true of any nut. However, lots of foods include soy lecithin (yellow-brown fatty substance from soy beans) as an emulsifier or lubricant. The problem is really the soy and not the fatty substance per se.

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